CH. 37: Official

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Lia's POV

Chaeryeong and I had arrived at our hotel in Palm Springs. We had got settled in, got our stuff organized now we were heading outside to the poolside restaurant for dinner.

The place was incredible I have never seen anything like it. I was still finding it a little strange that Chaeryeong and I were away together for the weekend. Didn't we want to kill each other only a few weeks ago? Oh, how things have changed.

She had her arm securely around my waist. "You look stunning as always." She whispered in my ear her whispered sending a shudder down my back. I looked up at her, getting met with her looking back at me. A strange look in her eye and a beautiful smile on her lips. The look she was giving me was causing butterflies in my stomach. It made me slightly giddy, like a teenage girl whose crush has spoken to her for the first time. That was a new one.

"Thank You. Looking good too baby." I said winking at her. She smirked, reached down to peck my lips before we headed to get shown to our seats. Most of the tables were outside, beautiful lights surrounding the place. It was a very romantic setting. The waiter led us to our tables, taking my seat out for me, letting me sit down and Chaeryeong followed after I did it. "Can I get any of you a drink? If the lady would like a cocktail you will need to go over to the cocktail bar, anything else we can get you no problem." The waiter smiled "I will have a Scotch, please. My date would like a cocktail so I will go over and get that." Chaeryeong smiled.

The waiter left to get us some menus. She's going over to the Cocktail bar to get me my cocktail I admired the view around me. My eyes scan falling at the bar where Chaeryeong was I see a stunning blonde approach her, she looked like something that could walk the runway in Milan she seemed just her type I can't deny jealously took over me as I watched her tap her on the shoulder, getting her attention.

She was quick to turn around, when she did see the blonde smirking at her I knew by watching them was torturing myself cause she would probably flirt back, technically she is single so there is nothing I can do about that even though I am the one here with her.

She reached into her ear whispering something, her fingers running down on her chest. What I see next surprised me.

She reached in, taking her arm and moving it away from her, taking a step back I could see her saying something to her, to me it looks like it was still something flirty. She shook her head, turning her back to her, grabbing my drink and was soon making her way back to me. The blonde never looked too pleased as she walked away, heading back to her friends. Did she just completely dismiss her?

Maybe, I'm not giving her enough credit but still I couldn't help but worry cause we still haven't discussed what is going on between us. "There you go gorgeous." She smiled as she reached the table sitting my cocktail down for me "Thank You, I see you had an admirer?" I said looking at her

Yes, I watched as she brushed her off but I wanna know what she said when she did it, did she tell her she was here with someone? Tell her she isn't interested? Tell her she had a girlfriend? I was curious.

"Jealous?" she smirked "I don't think so somehow," I said brushing her comment off I was not gonna tell her that I was. She would never let me live it down, She sat back across from me, looking at me. The waiter handing us menus before leaving us alone again.

"You sure princess? Don't worry I told her I was not interested, that I was here with someone. She never seemed to pleased but she got the hint." She laughed "You did? That must be a first for you, turning down a beautiful woman?" I questioned I know maybe I shouldn't be pushing this as much but I honestly wanted to know what she was thinking.

"No, believe it or not she isn't. She is one of many I have turned down over the past few weeks." She said

The last few weeks? Does she mean she is not the first woman she has turned down since her and I started whatever this little thing was? "Why?" I asked nervously, my eyes not leaving her I really hope I'm not coming across as some crazy jealous person to her right now that is not what I want.

She curled her brow at me, reaching across the table to place her hand over mine. "I think you know why Lia. Why would I be interested in them when I already have the most beautiful woman in my life?" she said, the cheesiest smile on her face I could feel my entire face heat up when she said that to me I never thought those words I would hear coming from her lips well unless she was trying to sleep with me but we are way passed that stage by now.

"Are you blushing?" she chuckled "No, shut up." I giggled hiding my face "And on that note, I think it will be the perfect time to talk to you about what I wanted too." She said I took a large drink of my cocktail, taking a deep breath before making myself comfortable. "And what is that you wanna talk to me about?" I asked

I was really nervous but I made sure not to show her that as she seemed nervous enough as it was without me making her worse, I watch as she takes a deep breath, downing her Scotch.

"We have been seeing each other for a good few weeks now." She said I nodded "I know we said we will wait and see where it goes but I have decided where I want it to go." She added "You have?" I said "Yes, I am hoping you are thinking and feeling the same as me or I'm gonna look like a complete idiot." She said, running her hands through her hair

"And what is it that you feel Chaeryeong?" I asked "I would like, us official." She said, a look of fear in her eyes I understood that fear because to be honest I'm not sure if she has ever actually been in a relationship with anyone...EVER. If she has, she has never mentioned it to me.

One thing I don't understand is why me? Why am I any different from the rest? "Like a couple?" I asked "Yes, not like a couple, an actual couple." She chuckled ''I'm sorry. I'm useless at this. I did not have a girlfriend since I was a teenager I think." She added.

"Yeah, I realized you never mentioned any previous girlfriends. I don't get it, why me? Why am I any different from all the other women?" I asked

I know, I have not given her an actual answer to her question that was making her nervous I will answer her, but I needed to know why. I needed to know that this isn't some game she is playing with me.

"You have always been different from all those other woman Lia I don't know why, I'm still trying to make sense of it but, I never even thought or wanted for a moment to date any of them, get into relationships with any of them and then you showed up. I tried to fight it, I did because, well I'm not usually the relationship type, that never worked so I stopped fighting it." She said

"Can you please answer my question? The longer you take, the more I worry you are gonna tell me no." she added "I would like that too, for us to become official. One thing you need to know. You only get one chance. There are no second chances, the last time I did that with someone I ended up with my heart broken. I am not going through that again." I said "I know princess, I'm hoping I can do fine with just one chance." She smiled

I smiled, reaching over the table to kiss her sweetly before sitting back down, placing our orders with the waiter who had been patiently waiting until we finished our conversation.

Who knew I would end up as Chaeryeong's girlfriend? That is a plot twist for the books.

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