Chapter Thirteen

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"One hour." Callahan asserts as he unlocks my cuffs.

"Yes sir." I reply sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes at me before stepping back. Callahan is a piece of shit who believes that inmates are the worst scum on earth. He doesn't believe in rehabilitation and if it was up to him, we would all rot in prison with no hopes of redemption. I don't care though but one of these days he'll get what's coming to him. There's only so many times you can disrespect inmates and treat them inhumanely without getting retaliation.

"No hug for me." I tease Diego as I approach the steel bench he's perched on.

He smiles and gets up to hug me wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"What's up kiddo?" I ask as we pull apart.

We sit next to each other on the bench as I face him waiting to catch up.

"I'm good, how are you? I was really worried when you didn't call for a while." He asks.

"I know, I'm sorry for making you worry. I was dealing with something in here." I reply.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asks looking at me with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Yes hermano, I'm okay. This wasn't about me." I assure him.

That explanation doesn't cut it for Diego as he demands more. Julius story isn't mine to tell but my brother deserves an explanation so I do the best I can. It still makes my blood boil thinking about it all over again even though its been a month.

"Is Julius okay?" Diego asks once I'm done.

"He's getting there." I reply.

The kid had nightmares for weeks where he'd get up in the middle of the night screaming and covered in sweat. They've reduced now, the more he keeps seeing Dr. Hale but the remnants of the attack are still with him.

"Hannah was really worried too. Asked me to bring you this?" He says handing me an envelope with her familiar handwriting on it.

Receiving a letter from Hannah feels like I've been given a fresh breath of air. Our last conversation didn't go so well and she has been dodging my calls since then. She sounded so broken when she hang up on me after I said no to her coming to see me. I just wish she would have given me a chance to explain myself.

"We talked a couple of days ago but it didn't go so well." I reply taking the letter from him.

"Bro, how do you managed to screw up a relationship while in here?" Diego teases.

"Oh hermano, women are a complex species but I'll fix it. Weird enough we aren't even officially dating yet." I reply.

"Well you should step up your game. Hannah is gorgeous and if you slack someone else will swoop in and steal her away." Diego advises.

He doesn't have to tell me twice.

"I already know that, I'm working on it that's why I need you to deliver this to her today." I insist giving him a letter of my own.

Since Hannah won't pick up my calls, I've explained everything to her in a letter. Hopefully she understands me after she reads it. I miss her and I want to talk to her soon.

"I will, I promise." Diego assures me putting the letter in his pocket.

"Thanks I'll appreciate it. Anyway tell me about you. How's your summer going? Balancing working and a girlfriend getting to you." I tease.

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