Chapter Eleven

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The law requires inmates to schedule a certain number of visits with the prison shrink depending on the duration of their sentence or severity of their crime. If you ask me it's a waste of time. Even though there is doctor-patient confidentiality, a shrink is required to report if someone is a danger to themselves or others. That clause right there is why that law is stupid. Inmates are smart so there's no way they will incriminate themselves or others. The sessions usually include an inmate sitting across for the doctor for one whole hour saying nothing. One is required to attend but they can't force us to talk if we don't want to.

"One hour Delgado." Finn says as he unlocks my cuffs outside the therapists office.

"Why not half an hour or better yet ten minutes tops." I reply.

"Nice try." He retorts opening the door and shoving me inside.

I turn around and face Dr. Simon Hale who gives me one of his welcoming smiles. He is a middle aged man, probably in his late fifties with a wise look to him, slightly graying hair, blue eyes hidden behind round framed glassed and a sense of style that makes him look like Keanu Reeves in John Wick. He's always in suits which I know is his personal style not something he forced to wear.

I look at the doctor and scowl in dismay. I don't want to be here, never have so I don't know why they force me to do this every three months.

"Mr. Delgado, welcome. Please have a seat?" Dr. Hale invites.

It's not like I was going to stand for the whole session. If I am going to be subjected to a whole hour of this, might as well be comfortable.

"Thank you Dr. Hale." I reply.

"Call me Simon please. Dr. Hale is my father. So how are we doing today?" He asks me opening a fresh page in his big black book just for me.

"Okay." I reply curtly.

Life conditioned me to be a man of few words especially when it comes to people in authority which has always worked out great for me. I am only open with people I like and feel comfortable with. Dr. Hale, sorry Simon is not one of those people.

"Ever the man of few words. Rumor has it that your brother graduated high school. You must be very proud of him." Simon asks.

It's no rumor, the man researched about me before our visit. It's what makes him good at his job but it doesn't mean I like it when someone butts their nose into my business.

"I am. He is going to Brown." I reply.

I am proud of Diego. He is doing so well for himself and I'm glad that he is working hard to build a life of himself away from the cartel life. My father was pushed into it as a means of survival and so was I. I took the fall so Diego can have a chance at a bright, crime free future. Him getting into Brown is proof enough that my sacrifice was worth it.

"An Ivy league. That's no small feat." Simon asks fishing for more information.

"No it isn't! I'm very happy for him." I reply.

Diego made one stupid mistake of allowing peer pressure make him steal drugs from me. There is no way I would have let him pay for being a teenager with a drug dealing big brother. Being street smart is what kept me out of prison for so many years but taking the fall for Diego is something I'd do again without a second thought.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. So we have an hour. You want to sit in silence like always or is there something you want to discuss." Simon asks.

Usually I'd ignore his question and we'd sit in silence for the duration of our session but I need his advice. I don't have that many friends to talk about something like this with. Julius is out of the question, he's too young, Moreno or any of the other gang members aren't trustworthy enough and Diego is too young. I'd ask Hannah but she is what I want to discuss so I can't as well do it with her.

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