Chapter Forty

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I hold Hannah in my arms as we ride at the back of Jada's car on the way home from the hospital. Tom is driving while Jada is riding shotgun. Ben and Renee were with us at the hospital but they had to take baby Taylor home.

The doctor cleared us both and gave us the okay to go home though I will have chest pains for a few days due to getting shot but other than that I am fine. So glad Tom made me wear that Kevlar vest. And to think I almost said no.

I kiss Hannah's forehead feeling the bump from the cut Arturo gave her. They had to stitch her up but they assured me that the scar would fade. I don't want Hannah bearing any physical marks that will remind her of the ordeal she suffered today. If Arturo weren't already dead I would have enjoyed putting a mark on him for hurting my girl.

"Home sweet home." Tom declares parking on the curb since the food truck Hannah bought me is blocking the driveway.

We all exit the car and I make sure to grab my bag from the trunk.

"Wow, this was quite a purchase." Tom declares as we all stand outside looking at the food truck.

"Shit I forgot about this." Hannah exclaims turning to look at me."Are you angry? "

"Jada already told me about it this morning and I kind of suspected you would do it so I am not mad. Though I will reimburse you for it." I answer.

"That's okay, I'm just glad you like it." Hannah says with a relieved smile.

I kiss her forehead and hug her tight. I am so blessed to have her and after today I am never letting her out of my sight.

I stand aside when Jada pulls Hannah into her arms to pat her down for the tenth time tonight to make sure that she is okay.

"Jada I'm fine." Hannah laughs pushing her best friend away.

"You were kidnapped Hannah! Do you know how worried I was?" Jada whispers looking like she's about to cry again.

She's already cried three times, once when Hannah and I were taken to the emergency room to be checked up on, once after our results came out clear and during the drive over.

"I know, I was scared too but I'm okay now." Hannah assures her.

While they are having their moment I pull Tom to the side.

"Who shot Arturo?" I ask him.

"I did. I'm sorry it had to come to that." He apologizes.

"I don't give a fuck about him, what I'm concerned with is that you had to shoot him in the first place. He almost killed Hannah. I thought the operation was full proof." I demand.

"It was and thanks to you it was a success. We'll deal with the agent who cuffed him, don't worry." Tom assures me.

"I hope you do. Thank you for coming through today. I couldn't have done it without you." I express.

"Hannah is my sister, it's my duty to protect her and now you're family too. Arturo is dead, La lobo is done and now you get to move on and have your happily ever after." Tom encourages.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me. Thank you for making it possible." I appreciate him.

"Anytime." Tom answers hugging me.

I hug him back grateful that I have him in my corner now.

We all say our goodbyes and they let us go in to get some rest as long we we all agree to meet at Ben's tomorrow night for drinks. Hannah is going to get a few days off from the hospital. Even though she's not physically hurt, a few days will do her good.

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