Chapter Thirty Seven

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I hang up the phone with a big smile on my face that is ever present where my girl is involved. I miss her, I know it's only been three days and I have enjoyed spending time with Diego but I can't wait to go back to Phoenix. I feel like there is a piece of me missing when she's not by my side and that feeling is my biggest motivation for today's shopping spree.

"You done? I heard you stop talking." Diego asks re-entering my room.

He's been staying with me at the hotel instead of sleeping in the dorms which I don't mind but at least its a suite so we don't have to share a bed.

"Yeah, how's Sofia?" I asks him.

"Good, we're looking forward to Thanksgiving though since we are both going back home." He answers with a wishful look on his face.

It looks like I am not the only Delgado missing his girl. But I'm lucky as I get to go see mine in two days while Diego has to wait a whole month.

"You must miss her huh?"

"Bro, you have no idea. I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much." Diego expresses.

He's such a sap when it comes to Sofia. I didn't have much luck with love when I was his age but I have my Hannah now and I am so glad I waited. It took me a decade but I finally found the love of my life and I am never letting her go.

"I expect to be honored at your wedding." I demand putting on my shoes.

"Oh yeah? And why's that?"Diego demands.

"If it weren't for me pushing you, you would not have had the courage to ask her out." I answer.

Diego looks ready to protest but he knows I am right. The nerd in him would have been okay with admiring her from a far were it not for me encouraging him to go for it.

"You're right, you'll get your moment of fame don't worry." Diego.

"I'll take it. Anyway let's go. We have lots of shopping to do. Your list is more extensive than mine." I reply getting up.

I pick up my wallet and jacket following Diego out of my room.

"You should have told Hannah what you're up to." Diego says as we leave the hotel suite.

"Nah, I want it to be a surprise. That's the whole reason I'm purchasing it here. I also need your opinion." I reply.

"Well then let's go though we are sorting me out first. I desperately need new shoes." Diego requests.

"I set up your account to cater for everything and you're here on a scholarship so you have the money. Why didn't you buy the shoes before this?" I ask him.

"I got caught up in school and never had the time and besides now that you are here I don't have to spend my money." Diego grins.

"You're lucky I love you." I retort putting him in a headlock as we walk out of the hotel.

Messing around with Diego reminds me of another annoying human being I consider a brother to me. If anyone asks me I'll deny it but I miss Julius. The kid made my last months in prison bearable and I can't stop thinking about how he is doing without me in there. We have talked twice since I got out and he assures me that he is okay but I can't help but worry. My only consolation is that his parents are fighting to get him out and they have enough money to buy the whole prison out so I know it will happen soon which is good as prison is no place for a nerdy kid like Julius. He made a mistake yes but he deserves a second chance and I know he will get it.

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