Chapter Twenty Seven

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"What the hell do you mean I will not be allowed to attend the hearing?" I demand hitting my fist against the metallic table.

It rattles, the sound echoing in the room a bit loudly. My reaction doesn't even faze Rowan, my lawyer but Finn who's also present in the visitation room with us gives me a disapproving look. I raise my hands up in surrender to show him that I am cool. I sit back down even though calm is the last thing I feel.

"I know we had not anticipated this but ..." Rowan starts but I cut him off.

"Anticipated this? It wasn't even a consideration. How am I supposed to get released if they won't let me plead my case?" I ask.

The whole point of a parole hearing is for me to defend myself in front of the board and assure them that I am worthy of early release. I have worked so hard to be here, followed all rules by the book and been a model inmate only for this set back to slap me in the face at the last moment. I already have so many plans, for myself, with Hannah and Diego and now this development is trying to shake all that up? Hell no!

"That's why you hired me." Rowan replies.

I roll my eyes at him wondering if he thinks his words are of any comfort to me. I hired him because it increased my chances of release having a lawyer to represent me but with me present. I did not think I would have to place the fate of my whole future in his hands.

"Do you trust me Mr. Delgado?" Rowan asks.

"No!" I reply because it's the honest truth.

I do not trust anybody, let alone a man in a suit asking me to let him blindly lead me. The only reason he is here is because I paid him good money not because he cares.

"That's fine but I can guarantee you there is a reason I am the best. You paid me to represent you and that's exactly what I am going to do to the best of my ability." Rowan assures me.

He's so smug and self assured, the look of every lawyer who knows they are good. I know he is, he came highly recommended but it does nothing to alleviate my fear.

"Are you sure there is nothing you can do?" I ask sighing in defeat.

"I would have wanted you to be there but the state recently passed a new law that states convicts can't attend their own parole hearings but instead must be represented by an attorney or have family and friends speak on their behalf." Rowan explains.

I huff when I realize the gravity of the situation presented in front of me.

"So what do I do now?" I ask.

"Go against your very nature and trust me. I will get you out Mr. Delgado, you have my word." Rowan guarantees me.

"Easier said than done." I grunt.

"I know but it's all you can do."

"Fine." I accept knowing he is right.

"Perfect, thank you. Now are you sure there's nobody we can call to help your defense, your brother, girlfriend?" Rowan asks.

I jerk my head up to look at him wondering why he is bringing this up again especially on the day of my hearing.

"I already said no, I do not want to get them involved in this. You said that the recommendation from Darius is enough." I challenge.

"It is, I'm confident about that but it wouldn't hurt to have someone who personally knows you vouching for you." Rowan explains.

"I said no. Do not involve them in this." I insist.

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