Chapter Twenty

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Day two is much less eventful compared to day one. Probably because it's lunchtime and I haven't seen Santiago yet. He promised me that we would see each other today but we just finished up with all our vaccinations and will leave immediately after we eat.

Dr. Matthew is happy that we have cut out time by half but I don't want to leave before I see Santiago yet. He is cracking jokes with Wyatt and Dr. Lamont, Doris is flirting with the warden and I'm sulking alone. I'd love to join in on their laughter but I haven't had a reason to smile all day.

Yesterday was great though, I got to see Santiago for the first time and he exceeded all of my expectations. The man is drop dead gorgeous, a gentleman with a bad boy side to him that I find endearing. Hearing him call me mami in person was a gift that I desire to receive one last time before we leave the prison.

I hear some conversation outside before the door opens and Santiago enters with another inmate carrying food trays. There presence makes all the conversation in the room to cease. I smile at the sight of him, his eyes immediately finding me. He doesn't smile back but I don't miss the happy glint in his gaze.

"Lunch." He announces even though it's obvious what he's doing in the room.

Yesterday two other inmates brought our lunch and they were gone in less than two minutes. I know Santiago promised that we would see each other but is the one minute lunch drop off enough.

Not for me. I want more.

"Set it down and leave." Warden McKinley demands.

Santiago steps closer and since I am closet to the door, he sets his tray down next to me. He smells like detergent and grease, a weird combination but not a terrible one.

"Wait five minutes then ask to go to the bathroom." He whispers and I almost miss it gawking at him.

He straightens up and looks at me. I nod in response so that he knows I heard him.

"Please excuse us. Enjoy your meal." He says with a polite bow before leaving the room with the other creepy inmate behind him.

"So polite, if only all inmates were like him." Doris comments.

"He is one of the tame ones." McKinley agrees as if he is talking about zoo animals.

Everyone digs into their food and its quite good for food that has been prepared in a prison kitchen. Like Santiago asked me, as soon as five minutes are up, I push my chair back and get up.

"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." I request.

"The one here is broken. Finn, accompany her to the one on the second floor and don't leave her side." Warden McKinley demands.

"Yes sir, right this way ma'am." Finn says getting the door for me.

I'm assuming Santiago knows all about this so he is probably waiting for me on the second floor. I'm too nervous to say anything to Finn so I'm silent the whole way to the bathroom. We don't come across any inmates which I am grateful for. Most of them scare me, except for the two I am familiar with, sweet Julius and my Santiago.

"You can use this bathroom ma'am." Finn says opening the door to a unisex marked bathroom.

"What did I tell you about that?" I scold him.

Being called ma'am makes me feel so old.

"Sorry, southern habit." Finn apologizes blushing profusely.

I'm about to open one of the stalls when Santiago comes out of it wearing a navy blue uniform. When did he change?

"Delgado what the hell are you doing here?" Finn asks looking confused.

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