Chapter Twenty Four

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"Happy birthday Hannah." Doris wishes me as we cross paths along the hospital hallway.

"Thank you." I smile at her making my way to check in on one of my patients.

It feels strange being back in the hospital after working in the field for two months. We are on a break from administering the vaccinations after too many bad things have happened. Another team got attacked last week so we were recalled until the hospital can get a handle on better security measures. We'll go back, we still have a lot of ground to cover and vaccines to give but it's back to home base for the time being.

I love being out in the field, helping the community but I must admit that it does feel good to be at the hospital. Westview will always be my home. This is where I learnt what being a nurse truly means and how precious life can be.

"How's my favorite patient?" I ask when I finally get to my destination.

Aldo, the wrinkled sweet older gentleman smiles as soon as he sees me putting away the newspaper he was reading.

"Feeling abandoned, where have you been darlin'?" He asks.

"I'm sorry love, girl gotta make a living but I'm here now." I say smiling at him.

Aldo has been a patient at Westview for as long as I've been a nurse all for kinds minor injuries. Sometimes I tend to think that he intentionally gets hurt just so he can come to the hospital. He's a widower, all his children live in different states so he has a live in nurse to take care of him. But it must get lonely in that huge mansion he lives in all alone. Aldo is loaded, owns one of the largest Dairy Companies in the country but money can't buy you everything apparently.

"Be still my heart. So ... a little birdie told me that its your birthday today." He asks as I begin my routine check up on him.

He's already been treated, came in with a burn on his hand after a barbecue grilling accident gone awry.

"Is that little birdy Dr Matthew?" I tease.

Aldo's eyes widen and I know I've caught him but he zips his lips with his fingers and tosses the imaginary key away. "Sworn to silence but what are you doing working on your birthday?"

"If I weren't here who'd be taking care of you?" I challenge.

"True, any big plans?" He insists.

"My friends are throwing me a surprise party later. They think I don't know but I do." I smile recalling all the hushed secrecy around me.

It was so easy to figure it out especially after they created a chat group called "Hannah's surprise birthday party" and added me to it. I haven't said anything in the group chat but I've been privy to all the plans they have made.

"Then you better start working on your surprise face." Aldo advises.

"I've already got it covered. Wanna see?"

"Yes please."

I put the IV down and turn to face him giving him the best surprise face I can muster.

"What do you think?"

"Perfect." Aldo cheers giving me one of his charming wrinkly smiles.

"What about you? Any plans for later, you're getting discharged." I ask.

At the mention of him having to leave Aldo gets this distraught look on his face that I am already used to. I've never seen anyone so against leaving the hospital. He should have let his kids put him in a nursing home, at least there he'd have the company of his fellow distinguished age mates but the old man is too stubborn for that.

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