Chapter Eighteen

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Federal Correctional Institution, Phoenix, the stuff of nightmares unless you have family in here or are incarcerated. It's not a place anyone chooses to visit voluntarily but apparently I have those guts and so does the rest of my team. The only thing giving me courage is knowing that by the end of the day Santiago and I will have met. I can't wait to see him.

There are four of us, me, the group leader Dr. Matthew, Wyatt and Doris the third nurse. There are usually seven of us so I don't know what happened to the rest of the group.

"I know you're all wondering why there are only four of us today. FCI, is a high risk institution, the most dangerous of all the places we will visit since it literally houses criminals. To reduce the risk incase of anything we had to cut our numbers." Dr. Matthew explains answering my unvoiced question.

Wyatt and Doris look at me questioningly but I am just as in the dark as they are.

"The prison houses a little over six hundred inmates. We will be here for two days, maximum three if we work fast but hard. We'll have several Correction Officers on protection detail so as long as we stay by their side and follow instructions we will be okay. As a safety precaution we have to leave all our electronic gadgets in the car. Take off all your jewelry as well unless it's plastic or rubber."Dr Matthew instructs.

We do as he says and take off everything except for our hospital issued ID badges. I leave everything in my bag on my seat and leave my phone on DND to conserve power since I'm not going to have it on my person anyway.

I recall Dr. Matthew saying that we will be here for two days or three which means I might not even get to see Santiago today. That's such a bummer but I choose to tension optimistic.

"Anyone with any questions before we leave the van?" Dr. Matthew asks.

"Meals?" Doris asks.

"They will be provided by the prison, they assured me that its good and healthy enough for us." Dr. Matthew replies.

Doris does not look convinced but then it's not like we have any other choice.

"Any other questions? No? Okay then, let's get to work. Just another day on the job." Dr. Matthew says as if he's trying to convince himself.

"Only we'll be surrounded by killers and rapists." Doris mumbles under her breath.

"It'll be okay." I assure her even though I can't give her that guarantee myself.

I get out of the van after her and we all move to the trunk to get all the equipment we'll need plus the vaccines. It's several bags but we carry what we can and leave the rest to pick up later if we run out. Dr. Matthew closes the trunk after we are done and locks the car. We turn around in time to catch six men walking towards us.

"Good morning, you must be my vaccination team." The most powerful looking man of all six addresses us.

"What gave us away?" Dr. Matthew retorts.

"Funny man, hold on to that. My name is Corbin McKinley, I'm the warden here at FCI. I thank you all for volunteering to come help us curb this Hepatitis B pandemic. You are here to do your jobs and its my job and that of my team to keep you safe. You have nothing to worry about. We have taken all the necessary precautions to make sure that you are safe and that you get to do your jobs right. These five men will be your security detail, if you need to go to the bathroom or back here for equipment, one of them will accompany you. We will issue you security passes, make sure they are visible at all times. Do not lose them because if you do, you'll be stuck inside the prison as we will have nothing to identify you with. Do no engage with the prisoners outside the medical wing, you are here to work not for a tour. Do I make myself clear?" The scary McKinley guy demands.

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