Chapter Five

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"Today I have the honor of awarding the FBI Medal of Valor to Special Agent Darius Erie Johnson. The award is presented in recognition of his exceptional act of heroism while investigating corruption at The Federal Correctional Institution right here in Phoenix. His courageous actions during the investigation, led to his unfortunate death when a riot broke out in the Institution. Fortunately Special Agent Johnson had collected enough evidence for us to have a successful case. On his behalf we invite his sister Hannah Claire Johnson to receive the award. Hannah please step forward and accept this medal for your brother." Special Agent In Charge, Patricia Wells, Darius' former boss calls out.

I manage a smile as I stand up promptly, straightening my dress to walk up the stage towards Patricia.

"Congratulations, nobody deserves this more than Darius did. It's unfortunate that he is not here to receive it himself." Patricia consoles shaking my hand.

"Thank you."I reply politely.

We pose for a couple of photos because even though I hate being on the spotlight I need to do it for Darius. I am so proud of him for getting the job done, so I can suck it up for the duration of the award ceremony.

I step off the stage once we are done, with the award in my hand and make my way back to my seat, careful not to trip as I am wearing heels.

"Good job Hannah, you did great." Tom praises giving me a side hug.

"Thank you for being here, I couldn't have done this alone." I reply smiling at him appreciatively.

"Just because Darius is not here anymore doesn't mean you are getting rid of me. We are family." Tom reassures making me smile.

I don't doubt his words, Darius cultivated a close brotherhood with Tom so I know he will always be there for me. Now that Darius is not with me anymore, Tom is taking his role as my big brother very seriously. Him being with me as we celebrate Darius' final achievement is testament to how close they were.

We have to stay for the rest of the ceremony but it's over in less than an hour, which is good as I feel tired and ready to call it a day.

"Did you get a new partner yet?" I ask Tom as we walk out of the events hall that the award ceremony was held.

"Patricia keeps pushing on it but I'm fighting her every step of the way. It feels wrong replacing Darius so soon. He's only been gone for a month." Tom protests.

"I know it's hard but you will have to move on at some point. Take your time but also the more you delay it, the harder it will be for you." I encourage.

"I'll try." Tom smiles at me.

He unlocks the car and opens the passenger side door for me, making sure I'm seated comfortably before going around to get behind the wheel.

"Ready to go home?" He asks.

"Yes please, I have a surgery tomorrow morning that I need to rest up for." I reply putting on my seatbelt.

Tom is about to respond when both our phones ping with incoming messages. We look at each other confused but it all makes sense when we see who the messages are from.

"Drinks at Ben's, we're all waiting." I read out loud the message Jada has sent in the group chat. "Your fiancé had no room for subtlety." I chuckle.

"She's your best friend as well. I will not bear this burden alone." Tom teases. "Do you want me to still drop you off at home? I can see that you're tired. I'll make up some excuse for you."

"And risk her wrath, no thank you. I'm still on thin ice after ghosting you guys for two weeks. Let's just go, I'll stay for one drink then get an uber home." I reply.

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