Chapter Thirty One

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I park the car in the driveway that Hannah directs me to and get out to get the door for her. I give her my hand and help her out, sunflowers and all.

"Thank you." Hannah beams at me with a cute blush.

I want to kiss her again but I feel like once we start we won't be able to stop so I hold myself back. I promised her dinner and that's what I'm going to deliver.

"Welcome to my humble abode." She invites unlocking the door.

I've been so busy looking at her I wasn't concentrating on the house so I take a moment to look around.

"My apartment is humble, nothing about this house is." I respond.

It's an impressive house with probably more then three bedrooms, an incredible layout and if I'm not wrong a three car garage, definitely not humble.

"I know but I don't like thinking about it much because it's my home, I'm already used to the size by now. Darius and I grew up poor and even when we were adopted life was still hard for us so when he got the opportunity he bought us this house so we never have to live in fear of being homeless ever again. He left it to me in the will." Hannah explains.

Her eyes are so full of love when she talks about her brother which I'm glad to see. When our relationship started anytime she mentioned him she always got emotional and teary eyed. I'm glad to see that she's healing and moving on.

"It's a lovely home." I compliment kicking off my shoes by the door.

"Thank you." Hannah replies doing the same.

She hangs up our jackets and bags before leading me further into the house. It's tastefully decorated in fall colors giving it a homey, relaxed look. I think I just fell in love with her huge TV which was probably Darius purchase. The man had taste.

"Would you like something to drink?" Hannah asks.

"A beer would be good if you have any. I haven't had one in so long." I reply.

"Coming right up, make yourself at home." Hannah smiles at me walking into the kitchen.

I consider waiting for her in the living room but I find myself following her instead. We've been apart for so long I feel like if I take my eyes off her she will disappear.

I walk into the kitchen to find her bent over in the fridge as she retrieves a beer for me. Her scrubs stretch with the movement, exposing her bountiful ass to me. I swallow hard and resist the urge to spank her, that would be too crass.

When Hannah turns back around, I'm right there an inch away from her. She gasps and steps back clutching the beer to her chest.

"Oh sorry, you startled me." She chuckles realizing just how close we are.

I don't say anything, instead I pin her against the closed fridge door with my body, one of my hands going behind her head to protect her skull.

"Cesar." She breaths eyeing my lips.

"Mami." I whisper brushing my nose against her in an Eskimo kiss.

Her breath hitches when I call her that, her lips parting ever so slightly. I take that chance to lower my lips to hers and kiss her. Her lips are as soft as I remember and even when I kissed her at the hospital parking lot, I couldn't help but think of just how much I never want to stop.

She moans and the sound travels all the way to my dick. I want to pull away before she can feel my need for her but then she fists her hand onto my t-shirt and pulls me closer. It's the only invitation I need to kiss her harder. I take the beer from her hand and put it on top of the fridge before I effortlessly pick her up, turn her around and place her on the kitchen island without breaking the kiss.

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