Chapter Thirty Two

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The end of a random dream stirs me awake and my body struggles to find its way back to reality. I reach over to my left hoping to find a warm body but I come up blank. With a frown on my face I blink my eyes open to find myself alone in bed. I'm disoriented for a moment because I'm pretty sure I slept next to a very gorgeous man last night but here's not here.

Or was it one very long beautiful dream?

I sit up from the bed, the covers falling away exposing my naked body to the morning chill. I suppress a shiver and reach for the closest piece of clothing and shrug it on. Immediately I'm surrounded by Santiago's scent making a chesire cat grin surround my face.

He's really here, it wasn't a dream.

With renewed energy from the knowledge of the fact that my man is close by I get out of bed in search of him but first a trip to the bathroom.

After doing my business I take a couple of extra minutes to wash my hands, face and brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror as I moisturize and the girl smiling back at me is happy. I haven't been this happy in a long time and it has everything to do with a certain gentleman who's been filling my heart with love and satisfying my body with endless orgasms.

Unable to stay away from my man anymore I leave my bedroom wearing his t-shirt and a pair of panties. I find him in the kitchen in nothing but a pair of jeans and an apron tied around his neck. I can't see inside the pan he's cooking in but whatever it is, it's mouth watering. I lean against the entrance just gazing at him unable to keep my eyes off him. He's so in his element, working flawlessly as if he belongs there. He probably does considering he worked in the kitchen at FCI.

"You're gawking." He comments without turning around to face me.

I grin as I walk up to him and wrap my hands around his waist kissing his back muscles.

"Good morning." I whisper laying my cheek on his back.

"Morning mami, sleep well?" He asks lifting one of my hands to his lips for a moment before letting it go to keep stirring whatever he is cooking.

"Yes I did, would have been better if I woke up with you by my side though." I reply.

"I woke up an hour ago and couldn't bear to wake you when you were sleeping so peacefully. Thought I'd make us some real breakfast seeing as we've been eating nothing but take out the past few days." He explains.

He's right, we have door dash on speed dial having been too wrapped up in each others arms to bother with cooking.

"You cooking half naked in my kitchen, I could get used to this." I comment happily.

"Well then why don't you sit and let me serve you." Santiago says turning off the stove as he turns around to face me.

"How about I get a morning kiss first?" I tease smiling at him.

"You never have to ask." Santiago grins bridging the gap between us.

The moment his lips meet mine I get lost in his embrace clutching tight onto his biceps. The fact that I can kiss Santiago right now and hold onto him is enough to bring tears to my eyes. We've been through so much in the short span of our relationship but he is finally here with me in my home and that makes me incredibly happy.

Santiago pulls back with a frown on his face that only gets deeper when he sees the tears cascading down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? Do I have onion breath?" He asks making me chuckle amidst my crying.

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