Chapter Thirty

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A second honk startles me and I know Jada is getting impatient. She's picking me up for dinner, we're meeting up with Renee for some girl time before our shift at the hospital. With Jada's wedding followed by the honeymoon, Renee prepping to go back to work and me fretting over my man who hasn't communicated in a month we haven't had much time to sit down and talk.

Jada honks again and I realize that if she does it a fourth time she will come in and drag me out by my braids. I'm always on time but I've been distracted a lot lately worrying over Santiago and it's messing up with my concentration.

I finally manage to lace up my shoes, pick up my coffee mug, phone, bag and keys leaving the house before Jada can honk again. I lock the door behind me and rush to her car, getting into the passenger seat next to her.

"I'm sorry." I apologize before she can bash me.

"Are you okay? You're never one to run late." Jada asks reversing out of my driveway.

"I'm okay, just a bit out of sorts with worry." I explain.

"He'll be okay Hannah. If you haven't heard from him by the end of the week, I'll ask Tom to make a few calls, privacy be damned."Jada asserts.

I know that all my friends are worried about me and I am too so I nod in agreement.


Renee is already at the restaurant when we get there and waves us over when we walk in.

"Sorry we're late. It was my fault. I kept Jada waiting." I apologize.

"It's okay. I haven't been here long anyway." Renee assures me.

Jada and I sit down just as a waitress approaches us with menus. Jada and I are going straight to work after so we order mocktails while Renee gets her favorite glass of red wine. For food Jada orders a chicken salad, Renee asks for stake and a mashed potatoes while I order grilled chicken and a side salad.

"So when are you going back to work?" Jada asks Renee.

"I don't want to go back to the same firm I was working for even if they did say I could back at anytime. I sent my resume to a couple of potential firms and I have interviews next week. I want to start afresh where nobody will try to give me special treatment now that I'm a mom. " Renee explains.

"That's good. So you're finally ready to leave Taylor huh?" I ask.

"Absolutely not but she is ready and I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have Ben's support. We will find our balance and no matter how hard it will be we will get it done." Renee answers.

"I know you will. Tom and I talked about it and have decided to give it a year before we start trying for kids. I want him all to myself for a little while longer." Jada informs us.

"That's wise, rushing into getting kids after getting married is never a good choice. You've yet to know what works for you as a couple who live together." Renee advises.

"I know, I still need to teach that man how to put the toilet seat down." Jada scowls.

"It's a battle I'm still fighting to this day. Welcome to married life." Renee sympathizes.

"Thank you." Jada laughs as they clink their glasses together in cheer.

"You've been too quiet Hannah is everything okay?" Renee asks.

"She's worried about the non communication from Santiago." Jada answers.

"Can't you call him instead of torturing yourself like this?" Renee asks.

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