Chapter Twenty Five

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Six weeks after the riot, McKinley finally forgives us and restores back all our privileges. The past one month and a half has been hell especially being unable to communicate with family and friends on the outside. But that has all changed because now we are allowed to make phone calls, receive visitors, send and receive letters. I haven't missed a single one of my letters because Finn has been sneaking them to me but it's nice to know that he won't have to go through so much trouble anymore. I haven't talked to Diego since the riot but he'll be coming to visit me later today and I can't wait to see him.

As I wait for him to arrive, I'm out in the courtyard getting some much needed fresh air. Today is a nice day, the sun is warm instead of hot, inmates are in a good mood and the CO's are less on guard so I'm enjoying getting some much needed vitamin D with Julius by my side.

"I think you have attachment issues." I mumble softly with my eyes closed.

I feel Julius shift next to me, followed by his gaze boring into my skull.

"I do not." Julius scoffs defensively.

"Yes you do, can you remember the last time we weren't together. Dude you even take showers and go to the bathroom the same time that I do." I question him.

"I thought you liked having me around." Julius mumbles softly.

"I do but you've got to learn some independence. We've been working together for months to make you stronger. We'll never know if you are when you're always stuck by my side with me here to defend you." I advise him.

Julius goes silent on me and I would have thought he left except I can still feel him breathing next to me. Finally after a couple of minutes of silence he speaks up.

"You're the only person who looks out for me in here. I'm scared that if you're not around I'll get attacked again." Julius expresses.

The weight of his words have me sitting up so we can have a proper conversation. Julius sits up as well and turns to face me.

"Julius the man you are right now is not the same kid that got attacked. And honestly nobody would dare touch you, they know you are under my protection especially after what happened to the last guy who laid his hands on you. You need to trust yourself and trust what we've been working towards, making you stronger. You are stronger than you know." I encourage him.

I've personally been a witness to how far the kid has come. He's stronger than ever now, knows when to keep his mouth shut and what boundaries not to cross. I've made a good inmate out of him but he's yet to believe that.

"I'm getting out soon. What will happen when you're here alone? You need to start adjusting to when I won't be around anymore." I add.

At the mention of this Julius' countenance turns even more sour. I know he is happy that I am being set free, he just doesn't want to accept that he'll be here alone without me.

"I'm not strong like you." Julius confesses sadly.

"No you aren't but you are stronger than you think you are. I've seen people crumble and commit suicide after getting sexually assaulted in here. But not you, you picked yourself up, dusted yourself off and chose to work on yourself. If that's not strength then I don't know what is." I reassure him.

Julius frown finally turns upside down as the smallest smile appears on his face.

"Thanks Santi, you're a really good friend." Julius replies.

"I know but you still need to promise me to work on your independence before I leave. It's the only way you'll be able to survive once I'm gone." I demand softly.

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