Chapter Four

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Dear Cesar,

Your mother hit the nail on the head when she gave you that name, it suits you. Since we are hinting at nicknames now, I was thinking of calling you Santi but then I realized that a lot of people probably call you that since it's your first name. You abbreviated your second name in the first letter meaning that not a lot of people know you by that name so even if it's not nickname, I like it, so I will stick to that.

I appreciate you sharing your embarrassing story with me, it does make me feel so much better that even though we are not even, it gives me some leverage against you. I am so sorry that spoilt girl rejected you and your cupcakes. I think they were a really thoughtful gift and she lost the opportunity of dating a really sweet and thoughtful guy. I will eat your cupcakes anytime, I'm sure you are a good baker. Not that I am hinting on anything. I am just rambling, sorry. Ignore all of that if it seems as if I am coming on too strong.

Anyway, the main purpose of this letter was to express my gratitude. Thank you, thank you so much. I feel like words aren't enough to express what you have done for me but they are all I have right now. You have given me the closure and answers I needed. Before your letter I felt like there was a piece of the puzzle missing and now thanks to you, I have all the answers that I desperately needed. Because of you I will be able to move on and honor Darius' name. You will never truly know the magnitude of what you have done for me and I will be eternally grateful.

Please do not feel as if you have to apologize for Darius' death. It is not your fault that he died. He was doing his job and I know for sure that you did your best to protect him. And besides like you told me in the letter, we can both take comfort in the fact that the criminals responsible were all caught and will face the justice that they deserve. Darius died doing what he loved most and that's all the reassurance we need to know that he lived his life to the fullest.

I am so sorry that my brother died before he could fulfil his promise of getting you out. I don't have that kind of power but if there is anything I can ever do to repay you and show you how grateful I am for the gift you have given me then do not hesitate to let me know. You've done me a solid so I owe you one now. Take it as if it's a gift voucher without an expiry date.

I know this is kind of goodbye but you have my address so feel free to contact me at any time. Take care of yourself and watch your back in there.

Once again thank you so much.

Yours truly,

Hannah Claire Johnson.

I lose track of how many times I re-read Hannah's letter. Her big beautiful and bold handwriting is captivating and the letter has a intoxicating feminine scent. So, this is what Hannah smells like. It's faint but it is there.

Reading Hannah's letter makes me feel sad. I'm glad I was able to offer her the closure that she needed but it also means the end of our short-lived correspondence. I have only received two letters from her but they are more than just words on paper to me. They are proof of existence of the beautiful soul that Darius talked about all the time. I hate to admit it but I will miss Hannah. My letter to her served its purpose and even though I did not tell her everything, like how her brother was my arresting officer, she knows enough to help her move on.

It's unfortunate that Darius died before he was able to live up to his promise of getting me out but it's not like he broke his word. It's okay that I am not getting out. I have accepted that I will be serving my full sentence and I am okay with that. All I can hope for now is that Hannah will be able to move on and live her life like Darius would have wanted. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

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