Chapter Thirty Nine

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The door to the room I'm locked in is kicked open and in walks Arturo followed by three of his thugs all carrying guns. He takes a seat on the bed and I shuffle away from him but there's nowhere to go. My left hand is cuffed to the headboard and my legs are cuffed together limiting my movement.

"Good morning beautiful, I hope you slept well." Arturo asks running his hands on legs.

I shiver in disgust and wish I could move away but I am stuck.

I look at the window but there I can't tell that its dawn since they have been blacked out and boarded up.

The room I am in is stripped bare with nothing but the bed I am sleeping on and a single arm chair next to the bed.

"How could I when I've chained here like a dog all night?" I spit back.

"I'd have forfeited the cuffs but I couldn't risk you trying to runaway." Arturo replies.

"Runaway? I barely know where I am." I scoff.

"You are in my home, my kingdom. This is Santiago's home." Arturo answers.

I laugh bitterly knowing that this man is even more delusional than I thought. When he called Santiago last night I was so scared but hearing my man's voice reassured me that everything will be okay.

Hold on mami, I'm coming.

His words have been my strength all night and I can't wait for the day to be over so he can come get me. I wonder if he will clue Tom in. He might risk and come for me on his own but I hope he is smart enough to ask for Tom's help. Both of them working together will help bring Arturo and his whole gang down once and for all.

"Not anymore it isn't. His home is with me and Diego." I declare proudly.

Arturo's face is marred with anger at my words and I am afraid he will hit me but he stops himself. I can see in his eyes that he is afraid of Santiago's threat of what he will do to him if there is a scratch on me. I'm already hurt where he hit me with his gun yesterday. Any more marks on me and Santiago will have his revenge. The man went against a whole prison to protect me, these are people he knows inside and out so they will be much more easier to take down.

"I am still wondering what he saw in you?" Arturo scoffs raking his eyes over me like he did last night.

It still makes me feel as disgusted as it did then. Arturo might act like he is disgusted with me but I can tell by the tent forming in his pants that he is attracted to me. It makes my skin crawl to have someone like him looking at me like that. I want Santiago to be looking at me like that not his creep of an ex boss.

"I gave him everything you couldn't, love, a home, a future and security knowing that he won't have to fear for his life simply by leaving the house." I reply.

"You are so sure of yourself aren't you." Arturo says getting up.

"He loves me so yes I am." I insist.

"I've known the boy since birth, you've known him what, six months? You'll be lucky if he's still interested in you a year from now. You're just his latest obsession, something he's using to rebel against me. He will forget you and come crawling back to me." Arturo grins victoriously.

"You sound like a scorned ex-wife." I laugh unable to hold it in.

"Child you have no idea who you are messing with. Sit tight and let's wait to see who he will choose. He will be here by dusk." Arturo says.

"I am not the one who kidnapped the other to get the upper hand which means what we have threatens you. Accept that Santiago has moved on from you or you'll have hell to pay." I bite back.

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