Chapter Fifteen

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"Delgado where are my tomatoes?" Ronald calls out from the middle of the kitchen.

"Coming right up." I reply as I speed up on my chopping.

I'm always on my A-game but for some reason I'm slacking today. Maybe old age is catching up to me or something. But then again I am only twenty seven. I have barely lived or done all the things that I want to do so it's definitely not old age.

"Seriously Delgado I've seen you work faster than that." Ronald demands.

I don't bother replying this time because he is right. I work faster and get the tomatoes in time, before he throws a fit and hits me with a pan. I've seen him do that before, it was not a pretty sight. The inmate he hit had to get fifteen stitches and shave his head.

"Can you manage to wash the rice faster than you take a piss this time?" Ronald demands.

"Of course." I reply stepping away and getting to work.

Ronald has always been a prick so I'm used to his potty mouth, it's just rarely directed at me. I get to work pretty quickly and just as I am pouring the rice into one of the mega sized cooking pots we use in the kitchen someone backs into me.

"Mierda." I cry out when I burn my hand on the pot trying to stabilize myself.

"Jesus fucking Christ that hurts." I moan in pain clutching my burnt hand into my chest.

"What the hell happened?" Ronald demands walking over to us.

"I'm sorry. I slipped and pushed him." Vega, the inmate who backed into me apologizes.

"Slipped on what? Air?" Ronald retorts looking like he is ready to hit the man.

"It's okay, it's just a small burn I'll be fine." I assure him even though I'm ready to piss myself from the pain.

"Let me see." Ronald demands.

I lift my hand from my chest and uncurl my fist to reveal my injury. It's definitely not a small burn.

"That looks bad." Vega comments.

"No shit Sherlock, you did this to me." I bite out the pain getting to me.

"Sorry." Vega mumbles.

"You need to go get that checked up. Can you get yourself to the medical wing?" Ronald asks.

"What about the rest of my shift?" I protest.

"We'll be fine without you. Just go get that checked and I'll see you for tomorrow's shift. You don't get a pass as long as your other hand is still working." Ronald retorts.

"Yes boss." I nod at him and untie my apron.

I remove the net I'm wearing over my hair and leave the kitchen. My hand is throbbing at this point and its gone from a pink to a glaring red.

"And where do you think you're going? Aren't you supposed to be on shift in the kitchen?" Callahan asks as I walk past him on the corridor.

"Medical wing." I reply shortly lifting my hand for him to see.

"Shit, what did you do? Try to stir the food with your bare hand?" He teases with a mocking laughter.

I don't respond to him because he's looking for a fight or a reason to put me in solitary and I am in too much pain to engage him.

When I get to the medical wing which is equipped with only one doctor, I have to wait in line. Someone ahead of me is getting stitches on his forehead. Looks like he got busted up by a chair or worse.

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