Chapter Twenty Nine

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"If you cry I swear to God I will knock you out." I threaten Julius as he watches me pack up my box.

I've been here for three and a half years so I have accumulated lots of photos and letters especially over the last six months from Hannah.

"Cry? Dude please, I can't wait for you to leave. I've been eyeing your bunk for months." Julius retorts.

I scoff and finish up quickly since its not like I'm packing up a suitcase.

"I'll miss you kid." I say to Julius as I lace up my boots.

I know I'll have to change out of my uniform into some street clothes but I can't as well walk across the prison barefoot and naked.

I see Julius lower lip quiver and I drop the box on the table in time to catch him as he hugs me.

"I'll miss you too. You won't forget me will you?" He cries.

"Are you kidding? There's no way I'm forgetting your annoying self anytime soon. Just be careful in here, remember what I've taught you." I demand.

"I will, not that I'm planning on being here much longer anwyay." He replies.

"Even better but all the same, keep your head down and mouth shut." I remind him.

"Yes boss." He promises.

I wait for Julius to pull away as this hug is more for him than for me. I will miss the kid but I know he will be getting out soon and back to annoying me like always.

"You remember where to find me once you're out and how to get into contact with me?" I ask him.

"Yes I do and even if I didn't I'm a hacker remember, I'd find a way to track you down." Julius grins.

"No more hacking, you need to clean up your act if you're to stay out of here." I remind him.

"Yes boss, I know. It was a joke." He retorts.

I roll my eyes at him and flick his forehead.

"Ow." Julius cries stepping back.

I pick up my box and give the cell I've spent the last three years of my life in one last look. I am definitely not going to miss a single moment of my life in here. The bonds I made and the people I met sure, but not the time.

Sayonara to this hell on earth.

"Be good." I say to Julius.

"Yes sir." He nods jumping onto my bunk bed with a happy grin on his face.

I chuckle as I step out of the cell and Finn is right there ready to escort me out. To avoid causing too much ruckus inmates are usually released at dawn before the rest of the prison gets up.

"No offense but I hope I never see you again Finn." I say to my favorite CO as he helps me through the release process.

"None taken. The feeling is mutual Delgado, stay out of trouble now." Finn requests.

"I will, you have my word on that. Where is Callahan, I was hoping to stick it to him one last time before I leave?" I ask as I sign my release forms.

"You didn't hear?" Finn asks his face turning sour.

"What? Did he get hit by a car or something?" I ask with a chuckle.

Fingers crossed that he died or is wheelchair bound for the rest of his life.

Finn's face gets even more grim and I realize that something bad must have happened. I haven't seen Callahan in a week so I just assumed he was on leave or assigned to another wing.

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