Ghosted Murder Chapter 5

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AN: New Character

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AN: New Character

Seth Gilliam as School Principle Derek Yung

Mona's POV

Chapter 5: Secrets

That night, during the end credits of 'Back to the Future,' Mona and Tarni continuously laugh together as Mona sits on the comfortable brown sofa eating snacks she had laid out on the coffee table in her living room. "Honestly, that movie never gets old," Tarni says as she sits and watches Mona eat. 

"Yep, and before you know it, we will know the words." 

Pogie is on his way to the door when the doorbell rings. "Jordan must be here." As she stands up to answer the door, Mona says. Jordan holds a takeout box while standing in his black work attire.  

"I went and got us some dinner." He beams as he shows Mona the box.


Jordan had brought over some freshly prepared lasagne, which Mona and Jordan were eating as Tarni idled about, near the living room.

 Mona places Tarni's diary on the coffee table as they all assemble, kneeling around it. Jordan was completely aware of what had occurred at Tarni's home because Mona had informed him.

"Wait, Tarni's mother took the diary, but she didn't give it to the police as evidence or even open it? What the hell?"

He shouts. "I know, and it's because they couldn't find proper evidence that night. It sounds like Jones is handling this matter according to his expertise." Mona elaborates. Jordan examines the diary. "So this is it. The moment of truth" Mona gives a nod. "May we?" She looks towards Tarni, seeking permission. Tarni sits mute, swallowing her words as she accepts them. Mona opens the journal and notices Tarni's lovely, crisp handwriting. She starts to read.

"Dear diary, I snuck out of the house tonight to see Bingo. We went to the movies together to see Rocky IV as an 80's tribute. After the movie, he drove me to a beach and kissed me for the first time. His lips tasted like strawberries, and his cologne took me back to when I was six, running through the hills of blossoming flowers. He made me feel all cozy on the inside. "I think I'm in love!"

"This one was not long ago," Mona adds.

"Dear diary, Mona got sick today to go shopping. So, Katie and I went out instead. It's crazy how she is different when Abby is not around. I think she is scared of her. I learned so much about her—we both love dancing and we use the same make-up. It's such a shame I didn't give her a chance earlier. I would always exclude her from everything. I hope she can forgive me. Although, I just hope Mona gets better soon. Then we can all have a shopping extravaganza!

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