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Taehyung's father arranged a marriage for Taehyung and his crush together with his crush's parents.

"Son, i have a great news for you." said Taehyung's father, Mr. Kim as long as his son entered his office.

"What is it dad? You finally bought me the new Ps5 i was asking?!" Taehyung asked excitedly as his father just chuckle at that.

"Ani~ its about the guy you have crush on" said his Father. Taehyung's face started heating up as he smiled at his father.

"What about him, father?" he asked as he smiled shyly.

"Well, i think i did a great job. His father, Mr. Jeon and I are great business partners now. And the news is, he agreed to arrange a marriage for you two." answered Taehyung's father that made Taehyung's eyes widen.


"Yess!! Aren't you just proud of me, son?" his father grinned cheerfully.


"Oh, yeah. You must be confused about the whole thing huh, well, you'll eventually know later on. Tonight, you just have to sleep with a smile on because tomorrow, you're finally about to meet him and talk to him as well! Goodnight my son, you can go." all what Taehyung did was nod as he walk out his father's office, still trying to process anything.

He was in front his bedroom door when it looks like something ticked on him and finally realized about this whole thing that's going to happen. He squealed like a crazy fan girl and jump happily inside his room.

"Its like a dream come true- oh my gosh, it really is a dream come true!" Taehyung squealed once again as he wear a big smile on his way to his bathroom. He slipped into his pajamas and walked towards his bed dancing his ass out.

"Woah, someone's very happy, i see." said the voice that came out from the door's direction. Taehyung snapped his head to the door only to see his lovely mother looking at him lovingly.

"Yes mother, i really am happy!" said Taehyung with a big smile.

"Glad you are. You should sleep now sweetheart, tomorrow's gonna be a long day right?" said his mother that made Taehyung nod and settled on his bed. His mother walked towards him and tucked him under the sheets of his bed.

"Goodnight, sleep well." with that, Taehyung's mother, Mrs. Kim placed a soft kiss on the top of Taehyung's head as she let him sleep peacefully. She turn off the lights and head out her son's bedroom, smiling at the thought that his son's just so happy about the news.


"Taehyung~ah, hurry up!" shouted Mrs. Kim who's waiting for Taehyung for almost an hour now. Taehyung spend so much time on getting ready for the meet up.

"Coming, mother!" Taehyung shouted back. He ran down the stairs and ran towards his mother, still with the big smile on his face.

"You excited?"

"Very." Mrs. Kim smiled as she cupped her son's face and smiled.

"Let's go." She said as they headed out the house to Mr. Kim's car.


They arrived on a fancy restaurant with a cute boy welcoming them in. The Kim family walked inside the place and headed to a table with the Jeons already seated in. Mr. Jeon finally noticed the Kim family's presence and so he stood up and welcome them, same with Mrs. Jeon and Jeon Jungkook, their son.

"I apologize for us being late, my son Taehyung just spend hours getting all ready for this talk." said Mr. Kim that made taehyung pout a little and the others laugh, except with the one and only Jungkook who looks like he doesn't even give a damn.

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