° Night Changes pt.1

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"I'm going now, mom, dad." said Taehyung as his parents just nod. The sun has already set means he's not prohibited to go out anymore, like what happens all the time.

"Take care." said Taehyung's mother, making him smile at them.

Despite of how strict they are to him, he just couldn't hate his lovely parents. You see, they're only allowing him to go out in the night because of some unknown reasons and another important reason. Taehyung is allergic to sun, and his body would burn when sunlight hits every part of it, that's why he understand why sometimes his parents would scold and hit him because they cares for him, for his safety.

Now Taehyung is currently wandering around the cold street of this countryside they are in. He always wonder how the city looks like, and how this place looks like when it's morning, because now all he can see is dark— with some lamppost on the street.

He shivers slightly, cold breeze of night air hitting his soft skin. He's wearing a scarf which his parents gifted him when he was one year old, it's sentimental. He sat on the bench and quietly look around his surroundings.

"It's dangerous to be out here alone at night, you know." Taehyung's attention was adverted to this unknown guy who suddenly appeared standing beside him. Noticing how Taehyung was fiddling with his fingers instead of responding, the guy warmly smile and spoke again.

"I mean no harm, i promise. Will you mind if i sit beside you?" The guy asked but Taehyung just shook his head, indicating its fine for him to sit beside him. The reason why Taehyung can't find any word to respond is because, this is the first time that someone approached him, without judging his personality.

Usually the other kids would approach him just to make fun of him, pulling his scarf and all knowing he wouldn't even hurt a fly. Just think of it as an opposite outcome. His parents are more on the violent type of people while him, he would rather stay quiet than fight.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, by the way. How about you?" Taehyung turned to the guy who once again spoke and is now offering his hand for a handshake, with a beautiful smile in his face.

"Y-you look like a bunny." Taehyung subconsciously whispered, still staring at the guy's face who is now known as Jungkook, who just chuckle at how adorable he whispered that.

"Yeah i get that a lot." He giggled. Taehyung might say his giggles are like music to his ears, it's addicting even in just the first time you heard it.

"O-oh, I'm Kim Taehyung." That's when Taehyung shook Jungkook's hand.

"Oh my, your hands are so soft." Jungkook reacted, looking at Taehyung's hands with amazed face, making the other blush.

"So, why are you out here all alone, at night?" Jungkook asked once again, retracting their hands.

"I could ask the same to you." Taehyung responded, making Jungkook smile.

"Well, we just got here from seoul with 3 hours ride but I'm not tired yet, maybe because i slept the whole ride, and i thought of wondering around for a bit." Jungkook admitted, making Taehyung look at him confused.

"Seoul? What's that?" Taehyung asked, confused, making Jungkook turn to him, also confused.

"You don't know?" Jungkook mentally face palm.

He just asked what's seoul, of course he doesn't know you idiot. Jungkook scolded himself.

"Uh, well— Seoul is the name of the city my parents and i live. It's my home town, ever since i was just a kid." Jungkook said.

"You see the city? That's cool!" Taehyung exclaimed. Jungkook wonder why Taehyung acts like this, like he's surprised and all. Is he also in this countryside almost his whole life?

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