° Issues (the boy from nowhere) pt.1

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"Jungkook, where are you? You need to be in this meeting but instead you're out there doing only god cares what." Jungkook sighed as he look around. He doesn't look like he'd been gone too far from the building so it wouldn't be long for him to get back.

"Right, sorry, hyung. I was just trying to get off my mind from somet-"

"I don't care, Jungkook, okay? Just come back here already. You're missing out." with that, his brother ended the call. Jungkook stuffed his phone to his pocket and immediately turned around, heading back to the building with a frown on his face.

He was hurriedly squeezing himself between the crowd on the pathway because his brothers might be very angry to him already at this moment, when he bumped into someone the moment he turned to the corridor.

"I'm very sorry." Jungkook apologized.

No matter how pissed he is, he's not like his brothers who would go bunkers even if it's their fault, but would still apologize and would be humble. Jungkook helped the person he bumped with with the things he dropped, and the moment he looked up- jungkook swears to all gods, that someone looks so ethereal.

"I-i'm sorry i bumped into you- i wasn't looking—"

"I'm sorry too, i didn't see you there." The guy eyed Jungkook with such cunningly stare, but the said one was pretty occupied with staring that the unusual stare got unnoticed.

"O-oh, I'm Jungkook by the way. Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook smiled, offering his hand for a hand shake. The guy looked at it, then to Jungkook, before smiling.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." The guy extended his hand and shook Jungkook's hand.

"Nice to meet you." Jungkook smiled even more, as if he's a high school nerd who already met the person he's madly in love with.

"Oh, you're the Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung asked.

"Y-you know me?"

"Who wouldn't? I mean, yeah, i know you, because who wouldn't know the youngest son of the founder of the Jeon Industry? If you're unaware, you're like... really famous." Taehyung smiled with an amused face. Jungkook scratched the back of his neck and shyly chuckled.

"Right, maybe i'm really famous but i don't really brag it for some way..." Taehyung's eye brows raised amused, but then it was changed with a sweet smile.

"Well, you seems like in a rush." Taehyung said.

"Oh, right, i completely forgot. I think i have to go now, Taehyung, uh.. see you? I mean- till we see each other again, uh- yeah.. Bye." Jungkook sheepishly smiled as he wave at Taehyung then went away, unaware that Taehyung's smile complete vanished as long as he turned his back from him.


"I'm here-"

"We just finished talking about the transaction YOU were supposed to lead, Jungkook. What took you so long?" Jungkook saw how his brothers narrow their eyes at him.

"I'm sorry, i just bumped into someone and i had to help him before i go." Jungkook said. His brothers rolled their eyes as if what he said was ridiculous.

"You always say sorry, Jungkook, can't you for once make us proud? You're making us doubt you can even do this simple job we're giving you." said Jin, Jungkook's oldest brother.

"I bet dad's even more disappointed than we are to you." Jimin added, making Jungkook stare at the floor.

"Get a grip of yourself, Jungkook. You're a Jeon, you're supposed to be firm and intimidating, not a soft and sweet person who helps people." said Jin.

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