Chapter 2: The Party

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Hi, a little trigger warning for this chapter: sexual assault and heavy language.

"ISA!!" Avery screams over the music so I could hear.

"Yeah what is it?" I say when I see the expression on her face. She's too happy, something isn't right.

"You see that guy right there?" She points to a tall young man standing by the stairs, "he thinks you're hot and wants your number".

She smiles widely to me, "Av, first of all you know I'm not looking for someone and secondly you know I'm not into blondes".

"Alright alright, I'll tell him you're not interested then. Do you have any idea where Charles is by the way? I haven't seen him anywhere." She says while she's looking for him in the crowd, I don't know why tho because she doesn't even know what he looks like.

"I don't know, I could text him if you want?", I said to her while grabbing my phone. "Yes please!"


Charles where are you? The party has already started an hour ago, I miss you here and Avery really wants to meet you.

I'm sorry sis. I don't feel so good, I have to miss it. But Pierre is on his way to you, is it okay that he brings a few other drivers along tho?

You don't have to be sorry, get well soon. You have another race coming up next weekend so you need to be better by then and of course he can bring some drivers.


"And??" Avery asks curiously.

"He is sick so he isn't coming today, but Pierre is and he's also bringing some friends of his" I smile at her, "who's Pierre?".

"Oh he's Charles' bestfriend and also a formula one driver"

"Oh okay, let me know when he's here alright?" I nod while she's already walking to a group of girls on the other side of the room.


"Isabella!" I hear someone yell from behind, as I turn around I see Pierre walking towards me.

"Pierre! How are you and how was the race?" I asked him.

"I'm great! The race went alright I guess, I finished fifth and my teammate seventh"

"It's good to hear you were in the points, where are your friends by the way? Charles said you'd bring some along" I ask looking around.

"I don't know, they all went another direction as soon as we came into your house. But I think I see Yuki in the kitchen"

"Can I meet him?" I ask happily.

"Yes of course, follow me" he said walking towards the kitchen while he held my arm so we didn't lose each other.

"Hey yuki!"

"Oh hey Pierre! Who's with you?" He asks while he shakes my hand.

"I'm Isabella, Charles sister" I smile.

"It's so nice to finally meet you! Charles has said a lot of things about you"

"Only good things I hope" I said jokingly, we talked for a while when I remembered I still wanted to ask Pierre something.

"I have to ask you guys something, can you do me a favour?"

Pierre looks curiously towards me, "what is it?"

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