Chapter 30: Racing Revelations: Of Secret Societies And Parenting Conspiracies

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"It was amazing! I can see why Isa loves it so much," Luna replied. "She can't stop talking about you!"

Lando turned his gaze to me, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Oh, really? What exactly has Isabella been saying about me?"

I blushed slightly, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of the conversation. "Um, well, I might have mentioned that you're quite talented on the track."

Luna giggled, clearly reveling in the playful banter. "Isa totally thinks you're cute, Lando. She talks about your races all the time."

Lando grinned, his teasing tone evident. "Is that so, Bella? Should I be flattered?"

I rolled my eyes, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "You should be honored, Lan. Luna's been my partner in crime, listening to all my race-related rambles."

Luna chimed in, "And she has this whole wall dedicated to your race pictures with only like three of Charles in her room. It's like a shrine!"

I shot Luna a mock glare, realizing she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Lando's laughter filled the air, and the playful teasing became a lighthearted moment amidst the post-race celebration.

"Well, I'm flattered, Bella. Maybe I should start sending you signed posters for your shrine," Lando teased, his eyes dancing with amusement.

I playfully nudged him. "You're pushing your luck there, Norris."

As our banter continued, the camaraderie took an unexpected turn when Oscar joined the conversation. His presence added a new dynamic to the playful exchange, and I welcomed the familiar face into the mix.

"Hey, Oscar!" Luna greeted with a bright smile.

Oscar nodded in acknowledgment before turning his attention to the ongoing banter. "What's all this talk about shrines?"

Lando, always one to seize an opportunity, leaned in with a sly grin. "Oh, just discussing the dedicated space Isabella has for our race pictures. Apparently, it's quite the shrine."

Oscar raised an eyebrow, looking from Lando to me with a knowing smile. "Shrine, huh? Isa, care to explain?"

I chuckled, realizing there was no escaping Luna's candid revelations. "It's not as dramatic as Luna makes it sound. Just a few pictures to keep the memories alive."

Lando, reveling in the banter, added with a theatrical sigh, "Ah, the burden of being a racing heartthrob. I suppose I'll have to endure having my face on Bella's wall."

Oscar's gaze shifted between us, and a playful smirk played on his lips. "So, is Luna aware of your secret?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected question, I exchanged a glance with Lando. Luna's eyes widened with curiosity as she eagerly awaited an answer.

Lando, never one to shy away from the spotlight, chimed in with a grin, "Ah, the secrets of the racing world. What do you say, Bella? Shall we spill the beans?"

I laughed, realizing that our lighthearted banter had taken an unexpected turn. "Well, Oscar, I suppose the cat's out of the bag. Luna, meet the not-so-secret man in my life, Lando Norris."

Luna's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she looked between us with newfound understanding. "So, you two are together? That's so cute!"

Lando, reveling in the revelation, nodded with a playful grin. "Guilty as charged."

Oscar chuckled, the teasing tone evident in his voice. "Well, now that the secrets are out, I'll leave you to your not-so-secret relationship talk. Enjoy the celebration, you three."

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