Chapter 9: Liar

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I'm so sorry for not updating this story in a while. I've had writers block and I've been busy with school. But here's the next chapter for y'all :)

"Your dad. He's here" Oliver says worriedly. "I know.." I confess pushing Lando and Oscar off of me, going to look out of the window. "I got a message from him this morning. He said he'd be at the circuit today and that we needed to talk, but I really don't want to" I say as I close my eyes, my dad was standing outside, talking with Toto Wolff.

"Wait when I asked you who texted you in the car this morning.. was that your dad?" Lando asks. I nod, not wanting to look at him as he's probably going to be mad at me. "Why didn't you just tell me? I could've comforted you or whatever you wanted me to do"

"I'm sorry Lan, but you don't know what he's capable of.."

"I don't care about that Bella, I want to be there for you"

"Isa come on, if you stay in front of the window he's going to see you" Oliver says as he takes my hand and leads me to a chair again. "Try calling Arthur and Charles again please" he nods and walks to another room again as Lando and Oscar walk towards me. "Hey come on, does he know you're mostly with us in the McLaren pits?"

"No.. I don't think so. But maybe Toto does and he's going to tell my dad" I look up at them. "You're safe here Bella" Lando speaks again as he gives me a reassuring smile. I nod and give him a hug, inviting Oscar to be in it too. Shortly after Oliver comes walking back into the room and tells us my brothers are coming to us too, and within three minutes they came running towards me embracing me in their arms asking me if I was okay. "I'm okay you guys, he hasn't seen me"

"Okay that's good to hear, listen if you see him approaching you this weekend just run to me or Arthur" Charles says looking at me seriously. "Charles you know that's not going to work with dad.. he'll just get angry at you two too and I don't want that to happen cause of me"

"He won't get angry, and otherwise we don't care. You're not going through this alone this time, yeah?" I nod giving them both a hug again.

Not long after, Oliver and I went back to the hotel, the rest of the guys stayed at the track for some other interviews and videos they needed to participate in. While we waited for the others to watch some movies with us, we laid on my bed. I was scrolling through TikTok and Oliver was also on his phone, probably on Instagram or something like that. It wouldn't surprise me if he's just looking at pictures of himself if I'm being honest.

"So Isabella.. about this morning" Oliver starts after an hour or so, "yeah what about it?" I ask, putting my phone down. "Why was he here? And without a shirt? I know he brought you back from the party yesterday but that's it"

"Yeah well a lot happened actually.. but before I tell you this you need to promise me that you don't tell anyone. So, pinky promise?" I speak as I extend my pinky to him, he intertwined his with mine as he says "pinky promise"

"Okay, so in the beginning of the evening I was with you and Arthur. As you know we drank, a lot, especially me. So when you went to someone you knew and Arthur went to the restroom I started walking around and found Lando, Lewis and George. I talked a while with them and after a few minutes I wanted to dance again, so I asked Lando. We danced for a while and then it was the alcohol speaking I guess.." I look down to my hands in my lap. "Oh god, Isa what have you done?" He asks worriedly and closing his eyes, probably scared of what I'm going to say next. "I told him to kiss me?"

"YOU WHAT" Oliver yells as he jumps up from the bed, "OH MY GOD ISA.." he suddenly stops jumping up and down, "you like him right?"

"Yes I do" I laugh as he starts jumping again.

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