Chapter 33: Unveiling Truths: Navigating Love, Friendship, and Racing Strife

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I hesitated for a moment, glancing toward Carlos. "Do you tell them, or should I?" I asked, acknowledging the weight of the truth that needed to be shared.

Getting only silence from Carlos, I took a deep breath and decided to reveal the hidden layers of the past. "Alright, if you're not going to say anything, I'll do it for you."

As the other drivers, including Lando, Carlos, Charles, and the rest of the group, looked on, I began to unravel the events that had transpired during the previous racing season. "Do you all remember the accident between Lando and Carlos last season?" I asked, prompting nods of recognition from the drivers.

"Well, it wasn't just an 'accident,'" I continued. "Carlos was angry at Lando because Lando overheard one of Avery's phone calls. Avery was telling the person on the phone that I was dumb, that I hadn't figured out yet that she was the one Carlos cheated on me with. Lando and I were in the middle of a fight back then, but he came to my hotel room anyway and told me about it. He also confronted Carlos with it."

The hush in the Ferrari garage persisted, a heavy silence that underscored the gravity of the truth unveiled. All of them stood frozen in disbelief, grappling with the revelation that Carlos had intentionally caused harm to Lando.

Carlos, seething with anger and frustration, faced the weight of the collective gaze. "Isabella, why did you have to tell them?!" His voice cut through the tense atmosphere, but I held my ground.

"Because they deserved to know the truth, Carlos," I reiterated, my tone unyielding. "It's been lingering, affecting us all. We can't keep pretending everything is fine when it's not."

Charles, still processing the revelation, shook his head in disbelief. "You did that on purpose, Carlos? You hurt your best friend intentionally?"

The others echoed Charles's incredulity, the air thick with a sense of betrayal.

Carlos, cornered by the truth, nodded reluctantly. "I was angry, and I let it get the best of me. I never meant for it to go that far."

The revelation hung in the air, and a collective tension settled among us, altering the dynamics of the racing world we shared.

As the weight of the truth bore down on the group, I felt an abrupt wave of nausea wash over me. The intensity of the emotions, the revelations unfolding, and the shifting dynamics took a toll on my well-being. I swayed slightly, feeling the world blur around me.

Oscar, ever perceptive, noticed my distress. "Isa, are you okay?" Concern etched his features as he stepped closer.

"I just need a moment," I whispered, attempting to steady myself.

But the sudden dizziness persisted, prompting Oscar to act. "I'm taking you to Lily, Maeve, and Kika. They can help you, Isa."

With Oscar's support, we navigated through the racing world's maze until we reached the girls – the reliable trio of friends who knew how to handle the unexpected challenges life threw our way.

Oscar explained the situation, and without hesitation, Lily took charge. "Come on, Isabella. Let's get you back to the hotel. A bit of rest will do wonders."

Grateful for Lily, Maeve, and Kika's support, we left the bustling Ferrari garage behind. The weight of the revelation still lingered, but their steadying presence brought a sense of comfort. As we walked toward the hotel, I thanked the girls for being there when I needed them the most.

"Thank you, Lily. I don't know what I would do without you three," I expressed, sincerity coloring my words.

Lily offered a reassuring smile. "We've got your back, Isa. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day."

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