Chapter 5: Panic Attack

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I wake up to someone calling me, "hello?" I ask picking up my phone.

"Hey sis! How are you?"

"Oh hey Charles, I'm good what about you? Why are you calling so early?"

"That's great! I'm good too, I'm going to Arthur's race today I thought maybe you wanted to tag along?"

"Yes that sounds like fun, how late is his race?"

"It's in an hour so I can come and pick you up in thirty minutes?"

"That will be great, see you" I say as I hang up. Avery is still asleep so I try and walk silently to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put some clothes on, I'm wearing the same outfit as yesterday as I didn't pack other clothes that fit with my Ferrari jacket. When I was ready I grabbed the stuff I needed for today and went outside my hotel room, a few minutes later Charles came and we walked to his car not far from the hotel. I sent Avery a text to let her know I went to watch Arthur's race and she needed to go alone to the circuit today and we would meet at the Ferrari garage there.

"Does Arthur already know you're here?" Charles asks. "No he doesn't, I wanted to surprise him but I didn't knew how to"

"Well I think this is a great thing that I asked you to come then"

We drove to the track and arrived within half an hour, in the paddock we walked towards Arthur's garage box but as we arrived he was already getting ready on the track. So I guess we surprise him at the end of the race.

The last cars were now going over the finish line and Arthur finished second, Charles and I were waiting for him as he parked his car in front of the number two bord. He got out of it and ran directly towards us, "Charles! And... Isabella?!"

"Hi Arth" I laugh, "good race!"

"Thank you" he smiles and took off his helmet. "For how long have you been here?"

"I arrived Friday evening, then went to surprise Charles at his qualifying yesterday and now I'm here" I smile.

"We're lucky with a sister like you, I love you Isa" he hugs me, "love you too Arth, now go and get your trophy"


Charles and I were now at the Ferrari garage, he was talking with the engineers while I was just scrolling through Instagram. "I swear to god if I see one more of your posts today I'm gonna block you"

"Why? Don't you like to see me that much?" He says in a sarcastic tone, I laugh at him and roll my eyes in annoyance. That's when I saw a certain someone coming our way.

"Hey Mate!" Charles says happily, "Hi Charles. And.. Isabella?"

"Carlos." I nod, "you guys go and talk, I'm gonna take a walk through the paddock, I need some alone time" Charles nods immediately understanding what I meant, well he doesn't know the whole story. He does know Carlos and I were in a relationship and he cheated on me but he doesn't know that Carlos is the man from the party, while I stand up I open Spotify and put my AirPods in. I really can't be in the same room as Carlos right now. I walk out of the garage and click on one of my playlists. When I walk past Red Bull Daniel sees me and waves. I wave back at him while he walks towards me, "Heyy Isa, where you going?"

"I'm gonna take a walk through the paddock, what about you?"

"Just talking with Max and Checo. Do you know your way out of the pitlane and should I walk with you?"

"I know the way out, thanks Dan. And I want to be alone for a while.. maybe another time?"

He nods and walks into the garage again. When I finally made it to the paddock I found a nice place to sit but a few people recognized me and asked for pictures, so I quickly made my way to the pitlane again.

I Care ~ Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now