Chapter 6: The Fight

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"Carlos! Lando! What the fuck?! Stop this shit" Charles yells at them, of course their too focused on each other to hear him so they keep going. I just stood next to Charles, exactly knowing why they were fighting. I can't watch this, it reminds me of my dad. I can't just stand here. As I walk towards them Charles stops me, "what the hell do you think you're doing? You can get hurt Isa!"

"Charles I've got this okay? I've got in these sort situations a lot cause of dad, please let me handle this" he nods, but I can tell he isn't too sure about this. I walk towards the guys and try to get their attention but their too busy fighting, "can you guys just shut up for once!" I scream at the top of my lungs. The whole garage looks shocked at me, as well as a few drivers who came running to us. "Thank you" I sigh.

"What the hell were you guys fighting about?" Charles asks them when everyone calmed down a little. "Ask that to Lando, he started it" Carlos says angrily, Charles turns his head to look at Lando at the other side of the room. "Carlos is just a fucking dick"

"Come on you guys, you two are best friends. What could possibly made you so angry that you ended up in a fight"

"It's nothing" Carlos says as he looks at Lando angrily and then his gaze turns to me. "Yeah it's nothing" Lando agrees. "I got to go to my garage and get ready for the race, see ya" he says as he stands up and walks away. I can't let him walk away like that, not after what he did for me today. "Lando wait!" I yell as I run after him, still shaking. "What was that all about?"

"You know it was about you Bella" he says turning to me. "Yes I already thought so, but that's no excuse to fucking punch him!"

"He called you a fucking whore when I told him I was there for you instead of him!" When he said that I look at him in shock. "Oh no that fucker didn't" I say angrily, making my way to the garage again. "Isabella what are you gonna do?" Lando asks as he tries to keep up with me, "you'll see".

When we were in the garage I only saw my brother, "Charles where's Carlos?"

"I think he went to talk with Lewis. Why?"

"Oh don't worry about it, just need to do something" I say as I walk towards the Mercedes garage, Lando still following me and Charles now too. When I finally see Lewis and Carlos talking I tap Carlos on his shoulder. Before he even turned around completely I punch him in the face. "WHAT THE FUCK LECLERC" Carlos screams in pain, while Lando traps me in his arms so I don't do anything more stupid. I try and get loose from his grip but he's too strong. "That's what you get for calling me a whore" I say as I see that he now has a bloody nose.

Lando and Charles get me away from Carlos and are both looking at me like I was some little kid and they were my parents, "what you two looking at" I said, annoyed by the stupid looks they give me.

"What the hell was that for" Charles asks clearly angry with me, "well your 'friend' there just called me a whore, while he's the one who cheated on me"

"Just let me handle this Isa, he's one of my friends and I think he will listen to me"

"Alright do your thing. And by the way I don't want to be like dad, but if he calls me something like that again he's dead" I spat out, that's when Pierre sat next to me. "Charles, Lando. Can you two leave for a second I need to talk to Isabella" they both nod and walk to their own garages.

"Isabella, qu'est-ce que c'était ? Je sais que tu n'as pas raconté toute l'histoire à Charles {Isabella, what was it? I know you didn't tell Charles the whole story}"

"C'est juste... Carlos. Je l'ai vu aujourd'hui et les souvenirs de la fête sont revenus, puis j'ai eu une crise de panique et Lando m'a aidé à traverser ça. Je lui ai tout dit sur moi et Carlos et puis ils ont commencé à se battre à cause de moi {It's just... Carlos. I saw him today and the memories of the party came flooding back, then I had a panic attack and Lando helped me through it. I told him all about me and Carlos and then they started fighting because of me}"

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