Chapter 32: Unveiled Secrets: Racing Hearts and Uncharted Territories

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In the days that followed, I found myself unconsciously creating emotional barriers, fearing that allowing Lando too close might open the floodgates to a vulnerability I wasn't ready to embrace. Lando, sensing the shift, navigated the evolving dynamics with a mixture of confusion and concern.

When Lando suggested spending time together outside of racing events, I hesitated, conjuring excuses that sounded feeble even to my own ears. "I have a meeting with my producer," I would say, or "I promised Oscar I'd help out in the garage." Each excuse was a shield, a protective layer against the vulnerability of letting someone too close.

Lando, with his infectious enthusiasm, would nod understandingly, but I could see the flicker of confusion in his eyes. It was as if he sensed the shift but couldn't quite comprehend its origin. The joy that once radiated between us during our shared moments on and off the track now seemed shrouded in a muted uncertainty.

Oscar, attuned to the subtle nuances of our interactions, couldn't ignore the change in dynamics. His discerning eyes would follow me as I navigated the paddock, finding solace in the familiarity of the Ferrari garage, a refuge from the intimacy I feared.

One day, as Lando extended yet another invitation, his eyes holding a mix of hope and uncertainty, Oscar approached me with a candid expression. "Isa, something's different. You're always in the Ferrari garage lately. What's going on?"

I attempted to brush off his concern with a dismissive smile, my heart heavy with the weight of the unspoken truth. "Just helping out where I'm needed, Oscar. You know how it is during race season."

Oscar's gaze bore into mine, a silent plea for honesty. "Is it about Lando? I've noticed the distance between you two. You can talk to me, you know."

The truth lingered on the tip of my tongue, a confession itching to escape. But the fear, that relentless companion, held me back. "It's nothing, Oscar. Just caught up in the hustle of things. Lando understands."

Oscar's concern persisted, his brow furrowed with worry. "Isa, don't let fear dictate your choices. If there's something between you and Lando, face it. Running away won't make it disappear."

"You know me way too well," I admitted, a rueful smile playing on my lips.

"I'm your best friend for a reason," Oscar replied, his expression a mix of understanding and concern.

"It's true. I've been pushing Lando away," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "He doesn't deserve it, I know, but I'm scared, Oscar. I'm really scared."

Oscar's gaze held a depth of compassion as he hugged me. "Isa, you are scared that the same will happen as with Carlos but I know Lando. Lando isn't anything like him and he cares a lot about you. You need to go and talk to him, you can't just run away from him."

"I know, but I just can't... I miss him, so much. I miss his laugh, his hugs, the way he looks at me from across the room, his beautiful ocean eyes, and his kisses. I miss everything about him."

Oscar held me at arm's length, concern etched on his face. "Explain it to me."

I sighed, a weight pressing on my chest. "It's just... I don't know."

"Come on, you can tell me," Oscar encouraged.

"I don't know how to explain my feelings," I admitted, frustration lining my voice.

"Throw words out. I'll put them together," Oscar offered.

"So... I'm scared, love, Carlos, Lando, sweet, caring, loving," I listed, the words spilling out like pieces of a puzzle.

Oscar studied my face, processing the fragments of emotion I struggled to convey. "Scared of love, especially after Carlos. Yet longing for Lando's sweetness and care. Isa, it sounds like you're torn between the past and a possible future."

I Care ~ Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now