Chapter 13: My Fault

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Merry Christmas everyone!
"So 'love' huh?" Daniel looks at me as I lay my head on his shoulder while we're walking back to the pits. "Oh shut up" I roll my eyes at him. "Do you like him?" He questions. "Yeah, I do. I really do" I admit.

As we entered the paddock, Daniel wasted no time in sharing the "news" with the rest of the guys. His announcement about my so-called growth prompted confused inquiries from George and Charles.

"What the hell are you talking about?" George asked.

"George, out of all people, I didn't expect YOU to not know the news," Daniel teased.

"What news?" Charles chimed in, clearly baffled.

"It's nothing," I quickly interjected, hoping to keep a lid on the brewing curiosity.

"Wait. Isabella Adeline Leclerc, am I dreaming? Is that Lando's hoodie?" George's hopeful expression caught me off guard. I chuckled, trying to downplay the significance. "Yes, it is Lando's, George. But that's just because I am cold, and he's my best friend, remember?"

"Shit, I hoped you two got together," George muttered under his breath, echoing a sentiment I wasn't ready to confront. Daniel sported a knowing grin as we heard the door open, signaling the resumption of the race in about 45 minutes.

When the guys headed back to their cars, I decided to make my way to the Mercedes garage, hoping to find Maeve there. As luck would have it, she spotted me first.

"Isabella, there you are!" Maeve exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. "How's Lando? Is he okay?"

I smiled, grateful for the genuine concern. "Yes, he is. Well, at least he said so. But he's in the medical center now."

As we engaged in conversation, a voice behind me interjected, "And he called her 'love.'"

I turned to find Daniel walking in at what seemed to be the perfect (or perhaps, the worst) time. "Wait a minute, THE Lando Norris called you 'love'?"

"Yes, he did. And I can tell you that she didn't mind it," Daniel chimed in, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh, I'm sure she didn't. But Daniel, don't you have to go to your car?" Maeve questioned.

"No, I'm not racing anymore. Just before Lando crashed, I went into the pits for too much damage on my car," Daniel explained.

"So, Maeve, Daniel, since the race isn't starting for another twenty minutes, should we get something to drink and eat?" I suggested, trying to redirect the conversation.

"Yes, please. I'm starving," Daniel eagerly agreed, and Maeve nodded in approval.

We settled down, grabbing a quick bite as I couldn't help but check my phone every few minutes. The gnawing worry about Lando's well-being lingered, and Daniel noticed my nervousness.

"Relax a little, Isabella. You'll hear some news soon," he reassured me.

"I know. I just... I don't know. I'm worried about him," I confessed.

To distract me, Daniel and Maeve shifted the conversation, asking about my life and recent endeavors. Amid the chatter, I shared a newfound interest, I had been contemplating returning to songwriting.

"You've written a song? Since when?" Daniel asked, genuinely surprised.

"Five years ago, I wrote my first song, and I've written a total of four," I revealed.

"Could we hear or read them sometime?" Maeve asked curiously.

"Of course. Next time I see you two, I'll have the lyrics with me," I promised with a smile.

The race resumed, but the lingering uncertainty about Lando cast a shadow over my attempts to enjoy the spectacle. We gathered in the McLaren garage, hoping for news. Daniel noticed my nerves and attempted to comfort me.

"Why are you so nervous, Isa?" he asked, his hand on my thigh, which betrayed my anxiety.

"It's just that I have the feeling this is all my fault," I confessed, finally revealing the full story of the events leading up to the race. The kiss, the conflict, and the unresolved tension between Carlos and Lando, all laid bare.

"No, Isabella, don't blame this on yourself. It's all Carlos's fault," Daniel insisted.

"No, it is mine. I don't deserve to be here, to be honest. Lando came into my life and helped me through one of my toughest times, and all I do is getting him hurt. I think I should go," I admitted, my emotions welling up.

Before I could make a move, I felt a presence behind me. A brown-haired boy with tears in his eyes stood there. Without a word, he embraced me. "Don't you dare blame this on yourself," he whispered in my ear.

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