Chapter 8: Wasted

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Soooo there's gonna be a little Italian in this chapter but as I don't speak it I used translate so I don't know if the grammar is correctly in those parts.

"Kiss me" she says as her lips brush past my ear and before I know it my lips meet hers. She lays her arms across my shoulders, but then I realized. She's drunk, she's fucking drunk.
I pull away, "Isabella.. I can't believe I'm saying this but no, not like this. You're drunk, come on I'll bring you to the hotel" I fucked up, I should've had known she was drunk. She told me Oliver had her keys as she had no pockets and wouldn't lose them. I told her to stay where she was and wait till I was back, luckily I found Oliver in no time and he told me her room number.

Just when we wanted to leave Carlos came to us, "can I come with? I drank so I can't drive and nobody else wants to go home yet". I look at Isabella who's already sitting in the car, she has fallen asleep. "Fine. But don't make any sound alright, go into the back please" he nods and goes to sit in my car. After driving for a few minutes Isabella wakes up and discovers Carlos in the backseat, "what the hell is he doing here?" She asks angrily. "He needed a ride. Just go back to sleep Bella" I say, and so she does.

When we arrived at the hotel Carlos walked away without saying a word and Isabella threw her arm around me as she couldn't walk in a straight line. "These heals are killing me, I should've listened to Arthur and carry some sneakers with me" she whines. "Just take them off" I suggest, "ew no! I'm not gonna walk with my bare feet on those floors"

"I'll carry you"

"You'd do that for real?" She asks surprised. "Yeah I would" I give her a small smile, "well thank you". Shortly after we arrive at her room, I told her to take a shower to freshen up a bit. We almost fell down the stairs like 3 times but it's okay. While she was showering I grabbed two bottles of water for her and for me and made the bed. A few minutes later she walked out with only a towel wrapped around her, she's gonna be the dead of me I swear to god. "Here take this" I offered her my shirt, "Grazie". She speaks Italian? I knew Charles spoke Italian but I didn't know Isabella did too.

She grabbed some shorts herself and I have to admit she looks cute in my shirt, although it's way to big for her. "Go to sleep, I'll come and check on you tomorrow morning" I speak as I made my way to the door again. "No wait, please, stay Lando" I love the fact that she uses my name in that sentence. I nod and walk towards her again, I go and sit on the chair next to her. "You can just lay down next to me. It's not like we've never done that before" and I do as she tells me. I'm thinking about the kiss, did she tell me to kiss her because she was just too drunk or because she really wanted to. I really want to know the answer to that. After a few minutes I hear Isabella say something "Hai occhi bellissimi {you have gorgeous eyes}" I can't understand what she's saying but I like it, "amo il tuo sorriso {I love your smile}" she adds and then within a few seconds she fell asleep. I guess I need to learn Italian.

I wake up to my head pounding, I really shouldn't have drank that much yesterday. I only took like 3 drinks or something but here in Italy the alcohol just hits harder I guess. I look at my phone, 6 AM. It's way too early for me but as it's a F1 weekend I really need to get up. As I move I can feel a presence behind me so I turn around, seeing Lando laying next to me, shirtless. God he looks good. "Good morning to you too" he chuckles. His morning voice pulled me out of my trance. "Good morning" I say. Shit I didn't know he was awake already. "How are you feeling?" He asks looking at me.

"Like shit" I look back at him, seeing him laugh at my response. "so.. do you remember what happened last night?" As he mentions it I start getting flashbacks, we kissed. Lando and I, we fucking kissed. "Uhm no I don't.." I say scared of what he would say if I said that I in fact did remember it, and I wanted it to happen again so badly. But I'm too scared for it, I'm too scared to get heartbroken again.

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