Chapter 10: Friendship

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Hey! I'm so sorry for long no update but I'm really busy with school at the moment, but I'll try to update the story more often from now on <3

"Just fucking go!" He yells, almost the whole garage looking at us now. "Fine" I say as tears were rolling down my face now too.

"What happened back there?" Oscar asks as soon as we're in his car. "It's nothing"

"Oh it's definitely not nothing, I've known you almost my whole life Isa. I saw you cry one time and that's when your mother died. Also I've never seen Lando get that angry before so tell me what the hell is going on" he says with a serious look on his face.

"I lied to him, that's all. If you want the whole story you need to ask him, I don't want to talk about it" I say wiping my tears. "That's okay. Just know that I'm here for you. I think you and Lando will be good again very fast, you're the only one who can hug him. Nobody else could before you and they still can't"

"Wait what? He never hugged someone other than me?" Oscar shakes his head. "Nope never"

ϟLando ϟ
I just told Isabella to go away, I fucking send her away. What's wrong with me.

The worst part is that she left while she was crying, because of me. I feel so bad, yes I'm hurt that she's lied to me but she doesn't deserve what I did to her.

I didn't wait for any of my engineers and didn't put some normal clothes on, instead I immediately went to the hotel again. I was kinda hoping to run into Isabella on my way there but I didn't.

I took a quick shower and laid in bed, scrolling through my phone while I had a movie on, on the tv. I wanted to text Isabella so badly, but I just couldn't, I'd probably hurt her more. I kept thinking about the argument and what I could've done different, and that were a LOT of things. So I decided to go to sleep and concentrate on qualifying day tomorrow.

I woke up still feeling guilty towards Isabella. I'll make up for it today, maybe I can buy some flowers for her or something. I took a quick shower and messaged Oscar to ask which flowers were Isabella's favorite. On my way to the track I went to the best florist in the area and bought some Amaryllis'. I quickly made my way into the paddock when I arrived at the circuit and put the flowers in a vase so they wouldn't dry out.

After qualifying I went searching for Isabella but I couldn't find her anywhere. I also didn't see her in the paddock and pitlane at all today, I guess she doesn't want to talk to me.

Qualifying already started, but I didn't go to the circuit as I'm sick. I'll just rest today and hope that I'll be better tomorrow so I can go to the race. After a few hours of laying on bed, scrolling through my socials, watching movies and being bored someone knocked on my door.

I slowly walk towards it as I get a little dizzy, "oh hey Ollie" I say as I let him in. "Why weren't you at the track today? Are you okay, I heard about what happened with Lando yesterday"

"Yeah I'm okay, I just don't feel too good. And about Lando, he's mad at me for lying and doesn't want to talk to me" I sigh as my phone pings.

Hey Isabella.. I know we've been getting to the wrong end lately and I want to make up for it.
Hi Carlos, yeah I don't like the place that we're going too.. so what are you thinking about?
Are you free Sunday after the race? We can go onto my yacht so the paparazzi doesn't see us together and Alex and Lily can come too if you want.
That'd be great, see you Sunday.

"Who was that?" Oliver asks curiously. "Just Carlos.."

"Carlos?" he asks surprised. "Yeah, he wants to make up for all the things he did so we're going onto his yacht Sunday after the race. With Alex and Lily of course"

"You sure? Are you going to be okay?" he asks worriedly.

"Yes Ollie. And as I just told you, Alex and Lily are going to be there too"

"If you say so" he shrugs. "Are you mad at me now?" I ask, in disbelief. "I just don't think it's a good idea"

"Oh come on! I just told you Alex and Lily are going to be there too!"

"Yeah well that doesn't mean they're with you all the time when you're there" he says annoyed.

"Just trust me Ollie, it's going to be okay"


ϟLando ϟ
As I'm walking through the pitlane I see Avery, Isabella's bestfriend standing by the Ferrari garage. That's weird, Isabella didn't tell me she was going to be here. As I get closer I notice that she's on the phone, talking about Isabella? I know I shouldn't eavesdrop but I just can't help myself. "Yeah I'm in the paddock right now. Yes with Ferrari. Yes Isabella is here too this weekend"

Okay so nothing interesting, as I walk away I hear Avery say something that catches my attention. "No Isabella still doesn't know, she's so dumb oh my god"

Wait what doesn't she know?

"I can't just tell her I'm the one Carlos cheated on her with" I hear Avery laughing.

Oh hell no.

I came across Carlos just when I wanted to call Isabella, "Carlos, are you fucking serious"

"What the hell did I do?" He asks clearly confused. "You cheated on Isabella," I start. "Yes I know that"

"With her best friend" I add to my sentence.

I Care ~ Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now