Chapter 25: Whispers Of The Past

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"Bella," he called, the sea breeze carrying his voice. "I've been looking for you."

Lando's grip tightened on my hand, a silent gesture of solidarity in the face of this unforeseen twist. The private retreat we sought had transformed into a stage for a confrontation with the very source of the storm that had disrupted our lives.

My father's presence, unexpected and unwelcome, shattered the fragile peace we had begun to rebuild. The media storm, the need for privacy, it all seemed insignificant in the face of this unpredictable turn of events.

With a mix of apprehension and determination, I turned to Lando. "We'll face this together, just like you said."

The beach, once a haven of tranquility, now stood witness to an unexpected reunion. My father, a figure from my tumultuous past, approached with a calm demeanor that contradicted the storm of emotions he stirred within me.

"Isabella," he repeated, his eyes locking onto mine. "I've been looking for you."

The sea breeze carried his words, but it couldn't erase the memories of a childhood marked by his unpredictable temper and the scars left behind, both visible and hidden. Lando's hand tightened around mine, offering a silent reassurance that together, we would weather whatever storm lay ahead.

As my father drew nearer, I felt a flood of conflicting emotions, fear, anger, and a lingering sense of vulnerability. The carefully constructed walls I had built to shield myself from his toxicity threatened to crumble in the face of his unexpected appearance.

Lando, sensing the tension, stood by my side like a steadfast anchor. "Bella, whatever you decide, I'm with you."

My father's eyes flickered between Lando and me, an unreadable expression masking his intentions. "Isabella," he began, his tone measured, "we need to talk."

The words sent a shiver down my spine. His "talks" had often been veiled attempts to manipulate and control. Despite the years that had passed, the wounds he inflicted still festered beneath the surface.

"Lando, can you give us a moment?" I requested, grateful for his unwavering support but knowing that this confrontation required a solo act.

He nodded, his gaze filled with concern. "I'll be right here if you need anything."

As Lando distanced himself, I turned to face the man who had once held power over my life. "What do you want?" I asked, my voice steadier than I felt inside.

He sighed, as if my resistance frustrated him. "Isabella, you've cut off all contact. I just want to understand why."

The question hung in the air, laden with the weight of a painful history. Memories of a tumultuous childhood flooded my mind, harsh words, erratic behavior, and the constant fear that lingered like a shadow.

"I needed to protect myself," I replied, my voice unwavering. "Your actions, your temper... I couldn't let it continue to define my life."

His eyes narrowed, a hint of frustration creeping into his expression. "Is this because of that racing nonsense? Those people are manipulating you, turning you against your own family."

Anger bubbled within me, a familiar response to his attempts to shift blame. "This has nothing to do with racing. It's about the years of pain you inflicted on me, the fear I lived with every day. I won't let you manipulate me anymore."

He scoffed, dismissing my words. "You always had a flair for the dramatic. I just want to be a part of your life again. Can't you forgive and forget?"

Forgiveness seemed like an abstract concept, a luxury I couldn't afford. "Forgiveness doesn't erase the past, and it certainly doesn't change who you are. I can't forget the years of torment, and I won't let you back into my life to repeat the cycle."

I Care ~ Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now