Chapter 4: Qualifying

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I woke up half an hour ago because someone knocked on our door, of course it was Pierre to check if everything was alright and if we knew the plan. I let him in and here we are talking about how we're gonna surprise Charles.

"Okay so Charles and I need to be at the track in an hour, qualifying begins at 4 p.m. but come a few minutes later so you arrive when we are already on the grid" he begins to explain, "when you arrive you need to go to the Alpine garage and not Ferrari, otherwise Charles immediately sees you"

"Alright, but how are we gonna let him know we are here?" Avery asks clearly still half asleep.

"You just run up to him to congratulate him or something, I think that's the most surprising way" he laughs.

"Thank you Pierre, this wouldn't be possible without you"

"Of course, the season isn't going that great for the Ferrari team and Charles isn't as happy how he used to be but if you're here he's definitely going to smile the whole weekend"

We talk for another fifteen minutes and then Pierre had to leave and go to the track. Avery got back to sleep and I went to take a shower. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I had already been in the shower for forty five minutes, when I was done I woke Avery up again and she took a quick shower, we both struggled with what we should wear. After we tried on a few different outfits we both finally found a good one, Avery put on a black denim set with a white crop top and I blue denim jeans, a black crop top and my Ferrari jacket.

 After we tried on a few different outfits we both finally found a good one, Avery put on a black denim set with a white crop top and I blue denim jeans, a black crop top and my Ferrari jacket

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We had plenty of time left before qualifying started so we decided to go shopping in the city, we hired a car for a few days so we just could go anywhere we want. After a few hours we were done shopping and went to Starbucks, we didn't realize we had been shopping for so long until I looked at my phone, 3.52 p.m. "fuck we're gonna be late" I mumble.

I drove to the track while Avery was searching for some good music. Of course I should have expected that we would end up listening to Will Smith's song 'Miami', it's been Avery's favorite for 7 years now. It was only a fifteen minute drive to the track, but as a lot of fans were trying to get into the paddock without tickets it was another ten minutes.


Isabella where the fuck are you?! Qualifying started like thirty minutes ago.

Yes I know, we're trying to get into the paddock but there are too many fans here. We've been standing here for ten minutes or so but we can't get through them.

Okay wait there, I'm sending Daniel to get you guys. I crashed  so I can't come and get you, I really need to talk to my team.

Okay thank you Pierre, I'm sorry about the crash tho.


"Av Daniel is coming to get us" I said while trying to look through the crowd, "isn't he on the track?" She asks confused.

"No.. he's Red Bulls third driver this season"

Two minutes later Daniel arrived at the paddock gates, all the fans screamed as they were happy to see him. I saw him talking to one of the security guards while pointing at us, the guard then came walking towards us and guided us through all of the fans.

As we walk through the gates Daniel pulls me in for a hug, "Pierre told me everything" he smiles, "but we have to go now otherwise Charles might see you"

"Alright thanks"

We run through the paddock to make sure we arrive as quickly as possible in the Alpine garage, hoping Charles won't see us. When we were finally there Pierre came immediately to us, "Isabella finally you're here"

"Yes, and just in time right?"

"Uhm yes qualifying is over in about 2 minutes and if I take a quick look Charles has a great chance to end up in the top 3"

"That's great! I can't wait to see him again. The last time I saw him was when you guys raced in Monaco"

Qualifying was done now and all the drivers were doing their post race interviews, Pierre said he would take a cameraman with him to Charles and say he's got a surprise. That's when I need to come into the picture, hopefully it works.

"So Charles you were really fast today and will start second with the race, what are your thoughts about today and maybe about tomorrow?" The interviewer asks him.

"Yeah the team did a pretty good job today and we're just not quick enough to beat Red Bull, especially on the long straight parts of the track. I think we could've finished higher but now we just need to focus on the race tomorrow" he explains, the interviewer asks a few more questions and then Charles went to the paddock again.

Pierre saw Charles from the Alpine garage and saw this as our chance, he said to one of the cameramen to follow him because he had something to show all the fans. They walked towards Charles while being on the big screens on the circuit.

"Great job Charles!" He high-fived him, "thanks mate"

"You know.. I have a little surprise for you today" he grins, "what is it?"

And that's when I run to him from behind, "Charlie!" I hug him.

"Oh my god Isabella" he hugs me back tightly, "what are you doing here?!"

"I came to surprise you" I smile, "you did great today"

"Thank you, I missed you so much"

"I missed you too Char-" but I couldn't finish my sentence because I was thrown over someone's shoulder.

"Daniel put me down!" I yell while laughing, of course he doesn't listen and runs through the whole paddock with me still on his shoulders. Until we bump into someone causing us to fall, "you asshole" I scoff.

As I get up I notice the boy standing in front of us, "I'm sorry about him.. wait you're Lando right?" While I talk to him i see that I lost my bracelet, "fuck" I mumble looking around on the ground.

"Yeah I am, and don't be sorry I know how stubborn Daniel can be. What are you looking for?"

"Just my bracelet, it's gold with a little phrase on it"

"Do you mean this one?" He asks handing me a bracelet from the ground, "oh my god yes! Thank you so much you don't know how much it means to me" I smile. "It's no big deal, aren't you the girl who was with Pierre yesterday?" he asks.

"Yes that would be me" I smile.

"I never heard him talk about a girlfriend, so who are you exactly?"

"Oh yeah sorry, I'm Isabella Leclerc, Charles' sister"

"Well, it's nice to meet you Isabella"

"It's nice to meet you too Lando, you did great today by the way!"

"Yeah today went great, I hope tomorrow goes well too as it's my home race"

"Wait your home race? Oh my god good luck! I'll say it again if I see you tomorrow before the race" I smile at him.

"That would be great" he chuckles, "I gotta go now, see you tomorrow I guess?" He says while he waves me goodbye.

"See you tomorrow" I say as I walk to the others again.

"Okay that's the first time I saw him laugh with a woman" Daniel says while throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Really?" I frown, "yes, really Isabella".

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