Chapter 12: The Race

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30 minutes later we sat in our cars, waiting for the lights to go out. Not knowing what was coming for me next.

The light went out, Max going to lead the race. Charles following him with me behind them, we race for a few laps and I needed to pit.

"Box box" I hear Jose speak over my radio.

Fuck. "If I box now I'm going to lose a podium!" I yell at him. "We have no other choice Lando, the tyres are dead. We have to box this lap"

If I'm going in now Carlos is going to take my podium, but I do as Jose tells me and box. To my surprise Carlos goes into the pits too, even though he just pitted a few laps ago.

What the hell is this guy doing.

When I get out of the pitlane I end up in 6th place, I need to overtake some to get a podium again. I'm gonna get this podium for Isabella.

We're now in lap 49/62 and I am now driving in P2, Charles in front of me and Carlos behind.

I look in my mirror seeing Carlos getting closer and closer. After a few turns he races right up to my rear wing, closing the gap between our cars. No way im going to let him overtake me.

On the next straight part of the track Carlos pulls up to my side, our wheels nearly touching. I push into 2nd place again, my front wing just before his. Shit.

Instead of Carlos loosing some pace, he speeds up. This motherfucker.

It all happens in slow motion. I can't do anything, I hear Jose yelling something over the radio. I curse as I see Carlos' car making contact with mine, which causes me to fly off of the track and my car flips over twice and drags across the track.

I'm in the Mercedes garage, together with Maeve Vettel. I've known her a few months now and we've become close friends, she doesn't really know anyone in the paddock apart from me and Lewis so that's why she's here.

We're looking at the screens when Lando and Carlos' fight comes into view. "Come on Lan.." I whisper as I close my eyes in nervousness.

"You're supporting Lando?" She asks in surprise. "Yeah he's my bestfriend" I smile. I turn my head to look at the screen again and that's when I see it happen, that motherfucker pushes Lando off of the track on purpose.

"FUCK!" I scream and throw my headphones off. Red flag. I run towards the McLaren team, not giving a fuck what all the fans will think, asking if they have radio contact with Lando.

"No we don't.. we're sorry Isabella. We know how much he means to you" Zak speaks.

Fuck, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have asked Carlos if Lando could come on his yacht with us. Or he shouldn't have said something about Avery to him.

I can't hold it much longer and I burst out in tears, Maeve holding me in her arms. "I- Lando, he-"

"I know, I know. But you can't do anything right now okay, just try and calm down"

"Where's Isabella?!" I hear someone yell, I look up and see Oscar running towards me together with Lewis. Maeve let go of me and I walk towards Oscar, "hey it's going to be okay Isa" he says, holding me tight.

After a few minutes we still didn't hear anything, "has anyone heard something yet?" Lewis asks, I look up and see the teams shaking their heads. "Breath Isabella, he's gonna be okay" Oscar tries reassuring me.

"it's all my fault, I did this".

"It's not Isabella, how can you even blame this on yourself?"

"I- Carlos- we were, uhm" I take a few deep breaths and continue talking, "Carlos and I were supposed to go onto his yacht after the race, together with Alex and Lily. I asked Carlos if Lando could come too and I could tell he wasn't too happy about that but he said yes so I asked Lando. Also Lando confronted Carlos this morning cause he found out Carlos cheated on me with Avery"

"This still isn't your fault Isa" Oscar starts, "you can't control Carlos' emotions and anger issues"

"I know but I still feel guilty" I say looking at Oscar with a sad expression on my face. "Look Daniel is with him!" Maeve tells us, pointing at one of the screens.

We see Daniel running towards Lando's car. "Please Lan.. I need you" I whisper under my breath. "I know he'll make it, Lando's strong enough".

"oh my god" I sigh in relief when I see Daniel helping Lando getting out of the car.

I don't think twice before I run towards the track. I hear Zak calling my name but I ignore it, not now. I need to get to Lando as fast as possible. "Lan!" I yell as I get to them, running into his arms and hugging him tight.

"Careful Bella, my shoulders hurt" he chuckles, hugging me back softly. "I was so scared.." I start crying again. "I'm so sorry, the radio didn't work anymore and I couldn't get out of the car. But I'm okay now, that's all that matters" he says as he wipes my tears away.

I sit down on the ground, not being able to handle this situation anymore. "I was so fucking scared" I shake my head. Lando kneels down to me and puts his hand on my cheek, "Bella breath, I'm okay now"

"I can't live without you, I need you.. I thought I lost you for a moment and-"

"I'll never leave you, understand?" he looks at me with a serious expression. "I love you so much Lan" I whisper, "I love you too, Bella" he gives me a soft smile.

Daniel comes over to us, and helps me up. "Okay I get it you two are inseparable but now I think Lando needs to go the the medical car"

"Are you gonna be okay?" Lando asks me. "Lan don't be worried about me okay" I smile, Daniel throwing his arm around my shoulder. "I'll take good care of her, go" he nods appreciative to Daniel. "I'll see you later, don't worry too much about me. Okay, love?" I blush a little at his words and nod at him in response.

"So 'love' huh?" Daniel looks at me as I lay my head on his shoulder while we're walking back to the pits. "Oh shut up" I roll my eyes at him. "Do you like him?" He questions. "Yeah, I do. I really do" I admit.

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