Chapter 14: A Movie, A Mixup, And Racing Friendships

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Before I could make a move, I felt a presence behind me. A brown-haired boy with tears in his eyes stood there. Without a word, he embraced me. "Don't you dare blame this on yourself," he whispered in my ear.

I couldn't help but cry as he held me in his arms. I felt safe and I knew that he wouldn't judge me afterwards. He brought me to his driver room and tried calming me down.

"Come on, we're going to the hotel" he says when I finally calmed down. "Don't you have to be in meetings or something?" I question him. He shakes his head and leads us to his car, throwing his car keys at me.

As we approached Lando's hotel room, the air was thick with the tension of unspoken frustrations. I gently placed a hand on Lando's shoulder. "I'm so sorry for what happened out there," I remarked empathetically.

Lando sighed, appreciating the camaraderie. "Yeah, it was. But that's racing, I guess."

I watched as Lando wearily sank into a chair, his mind replaying the moments leading to the unfortunate crash.

"Need anything?" I asked, my concern evident.

"Just some time to process," he replied, his eyes fixed on the floor. "And maybe a quiet place to clear my head."

I nodded, understanding the importance of solitude after what his supposed to be best friend did to him. "I'll give you some space. Take all the time you need." I say as I leave his room.

Later, I returned with a tray of light refreshments, breaking the silence that had settled in the room. "Thought you might need a pick-me-up."

Lando managed a small smile, appreciating the gesture.

As he and I were deep into conversation, his phone buzzed with a message from Daniel. "Hey mate, tough race. Mind if I swing by? We could use a good laugh."

Observing Lando's moment of hesitation, torn between seeking comfort from a friend and our shared company, I couldn't help but inquire, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Lando replied, managing a reassuring smile. "Just needed a moment to collect myself."

Just as the night settled into a peaceful rhythm, Lando's phone buzzed once more. It was a message from Daniel again. "No worries, mate. Take the time you need. We'll catch up tomorrow."

I could tell that Lando appreciated the understanding.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asks. I agreed, and we found ourselves in the cozy ambiance of Lando's room, surrounded by dimmed lights and the soft glow of the TV.

As the movie played, Lando and I settled in, sharing moments of laughter. The intensity of the race slowly faded into the background, replaced by the simple pleasure of enjoying each other's company.

However, as the movie progressed, I noticed Lando's eyes growing heavy, his exhaustion catching up with him. Assuming he had succumbed to sleep, I gently rose from the couch, preparing to leave so as not to disturb his rest.

Just as I reached for the doorknob, a hushed whisper broke the silence. "Please stay."

Startled, I turned to find Lando, his eyes half-open, looking at me with a mix of vulnerability and sincerity. A warmth spread through me, realizing that beneath the facade of the fearless racer was someone who sought connection and comfort.

Lando shifted slightly, making room on the couch. "I'm not asleep, I promise. Just... don't want the night to end."

Touched by his honesty, I hesitated before returning to the couch. We resumed watching the movie, the quiet moments between scenes filled with unspoken understanding, a grateful smile playing on Lando's lips.

I Care ~ Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now