Are the Bros' Worlds Starting to Collide?

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"I got the job?" Mr. L yelps, jumping up from his couch.

'Yes you do. I spoke to the other Toads, and not one of them had any objections to you working here. And just between you and me: I knew there wouldn't be."

"Thank you so much." Mr. L gushes.

"Look, despite some of my concerns, the fact of the matter is we're swamped because our funds are limited, and lo and behold, you're offering to help lighten the load and you clearly have some talent in the field."

"I'll call you with details on a start date?" The Toad head of mechanics asks, and after Luigi's confirmation, hangs up his phone, and leave his office.

Which of course means it's the perfect time to bump into the other Mario Brother.

"Hello." Mario greets, all friendly smiles. "So you finally got that spot for another mechanic filled?"

The Toad nods, "Indeed. And ironically, it went to your brother."

Mario blinks.

Mimi wanders through Toad Town disguised as a Toad, then oh so subtly bumps into Wario, making her drop the disguise.

"Oh! Hello. You're Wario, aren't you?"

"And you're Mimi. Nice to see you. You seen Mario or the Princess around?"

"No, I have not." Mimi shakes her head.

"Guess I beat them here." Wario grumbles, then makes excuses. "I'll see you around." and walks towards the road out of town.

The moment he's gone, Mimi teleports back to Nastasia.


"Nothing important yet. I've been tailing him all day in different disguises, and so far all I can say is it's a miracle he hasn't been hospitalized from all the junk food he eats. I don't think I'm gonna find anything today, so I'll try again tomorrow."

"Of course." Nastasia bows her head. "Just please remember to not let him out of your sight. I don't trust him or the aid he's claiming to be sending."

"You're not mad I didn't tell you?" The Toad head of mechanics asks, clearly uncomfortable.

Mario shakes his head, "You're responsible for making sure the go-karts don't break down on us when we're out on the tracks. If Luigi's offering to help you do that, good for him. And as I keep telling everyone, I am not my brother's keeper. He's his own person, he's an extremely talented mechanic, and he decided to put that towards helping the world instead of destroying it. The only thing I have to say is my sincerest thank you for letting him do that."

"Really." The Toad says, surprised. "Considering he just walked away from your company and you, that's a surprisingly mature response."

"Thanks, I've been working on it." No one needs to know his actual feelings but him. "He's getting his own life, and I'm living the same one I always have. I actually have another meeting with the princess and Wario."

"So the meetings are going well?"

"Mmmmm." He doesn't want to give false hope, but he can't help but admit, "They are, they really really are."

"That's great. I hope nothing bad happens."

His cell phone goes off then, and the Toad winces. "Oof. I got a budget meeting of my own. New parts for new go-karts."

"Oh wow. Good luck!" Mario shakes the Toad's hand, then they both go their separate ways.

"Congratulations, Mr. Mechanical Engineer!" Mimi says, bringing out a cake with candles. "Don't worry, I bought it. But the bakery I got it from is supposed to be the best."

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