Chapter 22: Mirror of Memories II

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"You left us no choice, human."

The loud and creepy voice almost broke their eardrums. It emerged and echoed from all directions of the space.

The floor they were standing on, then bent and dissolved into a weird shape. The sudden transformation of the space made them trip into nothingness.

"?! Oh damn...where am I? Uriel! Are you still there?!"

No reply. It's too quiet. When they look behind, no one was there. They just realized, they are all alone in an unknown void. They are really in big trouble. Their heartbeats are getting fierce due to panic.

'Okay...calm down, me. I need to observe my surroundings first.'

The fact that there's nothing else inside the endless void except them is an absolute horror. They can't even see anything as everything is black. Only the light from the sword accompanies them. With the tight grip on the sword, they unleash the angel dust and swing it randomly, hoping to reach a corner. Unfortunately, their effort is futile.

'I'm trapped! What should I do now?...I wonder if Uriel is alright...'

They remain their calm and focus on their thoughts. No matter how many times they twist their mind, they couldn't think of a way out. The worst case scenario is...they might be trapped in there forever.


Yuki aggressively shakes their head.

'That wouldn't happen! I must get out! Solomon and the others are struggling to hold Agares down. I can't let them keep on waiting!'

Giving up is obviously not an option. They still have the Archangel sword and thus, the hope is still there. They beg for a miracle to happen with this single swing.



It's so hard for them to pull the sword back. Turns out, the sword is stuck into something hard and smooth.

"What's that?"

They focus their vision on something before them. The sight is getting clearer and reveals the shape of an object. It was a floating human-size mirror. They pull the sword from the cracked mirror and look closer to it. Something is definitely not right. What's a mirror doing in the middle of a void? Is this one of Pandemonium's tricks?

With full of cautious, they stare into the mirror. The longer they stare, the weirder it becomes. There's no reflection of them on the surface but... something else is appearing. Something creepy that Yuki freaks out and instantly breaks it into pieces.


"Huff...huff... what was that?"

For some reason, the image traumatized them. They take another look at the pieces of the broken mirror. They're empty. Nothing on the surface.

The broken mirror then disappeared into dust when another mirror appears out of the thin air. Its appearance is just like the previous one. It's slightly bigger than Yuki.


Not just one...but many. Many mirrors appear and surrounding them. The uneasy feeling is getting worse when none of the mirrors are giving out their reflection.

To overcome the fear, they shout as loud as they can."I don't know what are these for but I know...this is your doing, right Pandemonium?!"

They are getting mad for real. They lift the sword and aggressively destroy every mirror that comes into their sight. Endlessly. However, the mirrors just keep coming back no matter how many of them were destroyed.

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