Chapter 29: Under Someone's Thumb

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The demons are clashing and crossing swords against each other in the city. As the conflict is reaching its highest point, meanwhile, in another part of the eastern side of the forest...




The sound of weak and slow footsteps breaks the silence of the shady and gloomy forest. Here, Leviathan is walking alone in the dark after Beelzebub suddenly disappeared from his sight. The sound of crows cawing on the trees branches startled him to death. They are so loud and crying as if the goddess of death is approaching.

The forest in the morning of Devildom is quite dark and cold. The light of the bloody moon helps him to see his path. Actually, he doesn't even know where does the path leads. He lost his way since he accidentally got separated from Beelzebub. They were supposed to escape together but Beelzebub flied too fast that he already disappeared from the sky.

Leviathan is naturally a slow runner and not physically strong. Adding the wound he got from being shot by the cursed arrow earlier, his movement is awfully slow now. Although Lucifer has lifted the curse and Asmodeus has treated the wound, the pain is still there. Asmodeus's healing magic was not strong enough to remove the scar from his back.

Leviathan knows the safest option for him now is to keep on moving even though he is panting and staggering. It is impossible to stop and hide from the Generals of Purgatory once they lock their target. He has no idea where he is heading to. He just follows the path and hope it'll lead him somewhere better.

"Sigh...That Beel...Where did he go...?"

He keeps grumbling under his breath as he walks until he notices a light coming out from the end of the path. A soft and comfort wind suddenly runs through his neck and cheek. He can hear a breeze and wave sound from the distance to the point, he feels a bit comfortable and relaxed. His instinct told him something. Could it be...

Without a second thought, he runs through the forest and heads toward the light which is the end of the forest. As soon as he step out, a vast and wide blue ocean coming into his sight.


The sea.

The calm and peaceful sea.

Leviathan now is standing on top of a cliff where the ocean lies underneath. He feels so excited and relaxed that he can't move his eyes away from the beautiful scenery. The ocean brings the calm into him despite him being in dangerous situation. When he stares at the ocean, he can't help but reminisce about the old memories, where everyone is having a good time together during their vacation in the beach. Yuki immediately comes into his mind. Words can't describe how much he miss them now.

"...! Calm down, Leviathan! Now is not the time!"Leviathan slaps himself and returns to his composure. He takes a deep breath and his face looks very serious now. He keeps reminding himself over and over again that his mission is not over yet. There's something important he needs to do first. He thought it was irony since this whole situation is so similar with the games he had played before. The only difference is...once he's knocked out, he can't respawn anymore!

Unlike his usual self, he is much more calm and mature. He is aware that he needs to take this seriously because this is the life and death situation. The General can find and attack him at any moment so he needs to be prepared for the worst.

"...I need to find Beel."

Leviathan continues his steps and walks along the cliff. He faces the vast ocean as the wind flows through him, making his clothes flutter. He hears nothing but the sound of waves in the ocean.

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