Chapter 59: The Demon Who Breaks the Heaven II

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Thanks to the demon king's support, Behemoth can finally take a break and rest for a few days. Orobas stays in the castle for observation and sends other demons to settle the work outside the wall.

Upon waking up in his room, Behemoth notices some random stuff sprawled over his nightstand and bed. They are get-well-soon cards, chocolates, bat flowers and even tombstones. Those are gifts from his fellow demons and friends. Though demons are generally insolent, at least they know how to care and appreciate each other.

He glances at the clock on the wall. It's still early. It's office hour so most demons in the castle are busy and occupied. Though he got a few days off, Behemoth still feels restless and uncomfortable doing nothing in bed while the others are busy working. He's not used to this. He's supposed to be working on this time.

He's bored. Subconsciously and by reflex, he turns to the empty corner of his room, searching for someone.


He pauses as he just remembers. Behemoth sighs and scratches his head regretfully. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye properly. Barbatos is no longer visiting him. He doesn't want to admit this but he's actually missing talking with the mysterious demon. Usually, Barbatos will appear out of nowhere when he's alone and stressing like this. He will give advice, serve him some tea, entertain him with information and stuff. Without his presence, Behemoth feels like a piece of his life is missing.

Thinking about Barbatos reminds him again about the warning.

"684 years later, around this time, do not present yourself at Devil Lake or there will be misfortune which can affect the whole Devildom."

What does that even mean? Behemoth didn't think too much about it since he didn't really pay attention to Barbatos during that time. But now the curiosity overwhelms him. Devil Lake? Misfortune? What does his presence has anything to do with Devildom's fate?

He looks at the calendar on the nightstand and counts the time.

"Let's see...684 years later...? ...That's tomorrow. Around this time... tomorrow morning then. That means, I can't go to Devil Lake tomorrow morning or misfortune will fall upon Devildom?"

His mind starts to feel dizzy and spinning again so Behemoth quickly erases that thought.

"Whatever..."He shrugs off as if it's not a crucial matter."I'm sick anyway so I don't think I will even get out of this bed."

He tries to pull up the blanket but the gifts are getting in the way. He grumbles slowly. He appreciates his friends for worrying about him but whose idea it is to give tombstones? Not just one but six?! Whoever gave him that must have a death wish.

He lays back down on the pillow, adjusting his body to get the most comfortable position. Before he got the chance to shut his eyes, suddenly, the door is knocked.





He curses under his breath before replying with his loud voice.

"Come in."

From the door, a tall demon butler which reminds him of Barbatos comes into the view. He bows down respectfully at Behemoth before delivering a message.

"His Majesty requires your presence."

Behemoth flinches and freezes on the spot. Like dropping a mountain on top of his head. He has already taken several days leave. But if the demon king wants his presence now, there must be an emergency. Just when he was thinking of not leaving his bed for the next few days...

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