Spookwood high The kiss

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Season 3 chapter 2

As everybody left to go do there other thing I stayed with may we got to know each other a bit more.

May:"I would like to become an artist".

Griffin:"so would I".

They hugged each other in shock and disbelief.

May:"I am going back to the dorm now as it was getting late".

Griffin:"do you want to walk together the girls dorm was on the way to the boys dorms".

May "I would love too".

they walked together then Chad saw he was spying on them as he said to himself.

Chad:"well he has a crush on her let's make them trapped then see if he would save her or not".

Then the next day Griffin was showing may around some places because she didn't know where they were as Chad came with two drinks then griffin and may saw him.

Chad:"Here you go, a gift for the two of you"we said thanks.

I showed her where the locker rooms were as we both felt sleepy as I held May up from falling we both blacked out.

Chad saw then he grabbed them placing them into griffin's locker they woke up they were standing up a locker they were really close together almost face to face then May saw that May was freaking out Griffin asked her

Why is he like freaking.

May:"I'm claustrophobic".

Meanwhile the others saw Chad in the lunch hall as Griffin had not showed up for lunch then Isabel asked Chad.

Chad:"hope they enjoy my drink that I gave them".

Jack:"what is this drink called".

Chad:"Black out" as he left laughing.

Everybody thought to the themselves Isabella.

Isabella:"what if he made a drink that does what he says then gave it to Griffin and May".

Jack:"but where would they go".

Isabella: "Mays new right so he would help her to know where everything is like the locker rooms,dorms and all them places".

Isabella:"check everywhere I'll check the locker as she left the table then May was freaking out more she tried to get out her glasses as they fell i got them as I brought them up to her I opens them putting them on her face I looked at her".

May:"you think I look ugly in them" as she started crying.

Griffin:"May you look beautiful and cute them".

Then I generally grabbed her hand then kissed her she was surprised but happy as she kissed me back we both started crying together as we fell out then I kissed her again Isabella came to the door of the locker room she saw us kiss

Isabella:"gasped for air with happiness in her eyes".

We saw her she helped up then hugged us she was shocked but also happy for us we went outside the others saw they asked if we are ok

Griffin:"Chad gave me and May a drink and stuck us in a locker".

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