Spookwood high a tearful goodbye

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Season 3 chapter 17

As the cold weather came in a little bit with windy days, sometimes Jasper woke up with a very tired look on his friend.

He decided to walk out on a windy day as he saw a poster for the army saying they were letting people who have animal traits join a team.

He was thinking of it but leaving here leaving his friends most of all Zack then he saw Zack he came by he saw the poster.

Jasper:"I was thinking of joining".

Zack:"I was thinking the same as they went to tell everyone Jasper saw it was his birthday as they went into the others surprised.


Then Zack needed the bathroom as he ran off but before he went he looked really sad like he was about to burst out crying.

Everyone was confused why Zack was almost in tears as Jasper showed the poster Isabella was shocked.

Jasper:"I'm thinking of joining too with Zack".

Everyone was shocked and surprised then Isabella was going to talk to Zack as Jasper asked if he could come with her.

Griffin:"I have an idea to make Zack and Jasper happy before they leave for the army".

Griffin:"Jack comes out as he goes after Griffin who has just run out the dorms".

Griffin:" dials a phone number ring,ring".

May:"hello we need your help i'll explain when we get to your room".

Griffin fills in May about Jasper and Zack she was shocked and upset Griffin said with his brilliant idea.

Griffin:"what if we get everyone for one last fun thing before they leave or decide to join".

May:"That's a great idea".

We rushed to the boys dorms as we told the others including Isabella then we told Jasper and Zack that we were going to the water park as they wanted to go.

We had some fun there on the long watery slide that was deep and the lazy water river that Zack went on with Jack.

Then they went back to the dorms as Jasper and Zack said that they were joining.

Then Griffin said with an honored voice.

Griffin:"It's sad to see you go . We have bonded over friendship and Jasper and Zack dating. We decided to have one last chill time before you".

They played on the nintendo switch they got around christmas time the time struck nighttime as they woke up the next day as they signed forms and off they went not before we gave them a photo of all of us and a good warm hug as everyone was crying with tears thinking about how long 'Jasper and Zack are going to be gone for.

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