Spookwood high The sleepover

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Season 3 chapter 3

We went outside as everybody was there waiting for us after what happened with Chad we got out the locker room as the sunshine hit us in the face we Dessie to stay outside till the end of our free time that we had.

We went inside to avoid the rain that was coming down from the sky as it started to get heavy we finished our classes then went to the boys dorm to chill out.

Everything was here Isabella,May everything was bord due to the rain so Jack had an idea.

Jack:"guys let's have a sleepover".

Isabella:"that's a great idea".

We found umbrellas as we gave them to the girls then they got there things and clothes to sleep in then we chilled in the downstairs lounge area with some hot chocolate and played games.

As the time got closer towards midnight everyone had fallen a sleep as Jack and isabella was a sleep together and Lilly,rose where a sleep together jasper was a sleep May was a sleep then Griffin picked her up putting her on the couch as he put a blanket on her then he kissed her good night.

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