Spokwood high Isabella's birthday

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Season 3 chapter 7

As the sun shines on the horizon isabella woke up she got ready not noticed anything different then she came to the dorms as Zack was there he said happy birthday Isabella as everyone noticed.

Everyone started saying happy birthday she said "thanks everyone" as she thought of the accident that happened 2 years ago on her birthday she looked a little bit sad.

Zack:"Isabella you ok".

Isabella:i'm fine thanks for asking".

She walked out the dorms as she felt a lot of water hit all of her then she screamed it was Chad.

We all ran out to see what happened then saw Chad holding an empty bucket as Isabella was soaking wet she ran off crying.

Zack:"Chad what do you want"

Chad:"haven't done that in two years that was funny".

Zack:"do you want a fight last time I check my sister ran off you bully getting angrier".

Jack:"Chad leave isabella alone holding on to Zack so he does not beat up Chad".

He left walking off in the opposite direction of Isabella.

Zack"it's been two years since the accident with our project".

Lilly and rose where on the way to the boys dorms as they saw isabella as she was soaking wet and crying

The others came to the dorms as we where all stood outside the dorm.

Jack:"Zack we need some explaining why Isabella ran off from that".

We all came into the dorm as everyone sat down but Zack then said.

Zack:"Isabella hates her birthday two years ago she was going to cosplay from darkside valley the comic
But as we were going Chad decided to prank her by tipping water on her as a prank for summer when she was going out to a convention to do with the comics it ruined her makeup that I helped her with".

"Then Chad and Isabella split up as she hated him for that because spent time on her costume".

Jack:"What if we help make her cosplay again".

Zack:"but there is a problem she had a hairstyle that she had to cut her hair for to make it".

Zack:"why do you want to do This".

Everyone was wondering why he wanted to do this for and not just make her feel better with hugs

Jack:"because I'm in free time before I came here I like to cosplay and didn't want Isabella to feel sad about her cosplay".

Everyone was speechless and surprised Zack hugged Jack
Zack:"That's amazing".
Jack:"thanks but I'm sorry for not telling you guys I was embarrassed about at the time but I coming out comfort zone".

Rose:"I'll go talk to her".

Jack:"can I come she might want to talk".

Rose:"good point let's go"

we made our way to the dorms then someone came up to Rose it was a teacher.

Rose:"Jack go to Isabella's room".

He made his way up as he was saw the door was open a little then she was crying as he heard scissors then opened the door he saw she had chopped her hair she had long hair she made it short then started crying Isabella saw Jack.

He closed the door as she was still crying with scissors still in her hand.

Isabella:"I hate today why does it have to be today I feel everyone hates me today".

Then he came out to her as he wanted to make his girlfriend and friend that who was depressed happy.

Jack:"put a scissor down".

He took the scissors out her hand throwing them on the bed next to them then he said

Jack:"Zack told us about the cosplay accident 2 years ago we all decide to make you your cosplay again".

Isabella:"Why" with watery eyes.

Jack:"because i like to cosplay and finds my about your cosplay made me come out my comfort zone".

Then isabella:"thanks you kissing him".

Isabella was still upset her hair was not the same hairstyle for the cosplay as Jack picked up scissors.

Jack:"let me help do your hairstyle for you".

She showed showed him a photo of Robbin from darkside valley he cut her hair then finished as it was perfect.

Jack:"Isabella you look beautiful I like the new look".

The others where working hard making the costume then the others messaged rose to say they are done with the costume.

Jack kissed Isabella as Rose came in she saw her hair then got super happy.

Rose:"they are done with the costume".

We made our way to the boys dorms as they saw Isabella everyone was surprised then they handed her costume as Rose picked up another costume.

We made one for Jack she saw who it was then Jack asked who it was

Isabella:"it's Blaze he is married to Robbin in this comic then she took her dress upstairs into the jack's room then Isabella helped Jack get ready as they came out.

We all seen them as rose had her camera she took a photo of them them printed two out and gave them a copy in case they lose the photo.

Isabella's birthday was almost up as it wa stone for tue girls return to the dorm she got changed as Haco found a box he named it our cosplay we put the cosplay costumes inside then closed it. We were back to normal as she said to everyone.

Isabella:"thanks for making this the best birthday ever" we had a group high then the girls where sent back to there dorms.

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