Spookwood high Sam's in town

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Season 3 chapter 18

It was a cold and gray morning as Jack woke up then he got up as he made his way to class.

Everybody came to class as class went on when we where told that someone else had been attacked by the beast it was the student who was ill.

Everybody was shocked no for Jack,griffin,Isabella and the others.

Because they knew it was a wolf who was going to kill people.

Then after class Isabella went off to something as everyone went to the dorms to chill out and study.

When she ran into Chad wondering what he wanted because he is the last person she wants to talk right now.

Chad was angry he had just dumped his new girlfriend and was angry about it.

He saw her as she was going past she was from her looked like she was visiting someone.

Chad:"well your here".

As Isabella saw someone who had the same hairstyle as her then said.

Sam:"Chad we broke up, leave me alone".

As she leaves then he tries to follow after her as she said with angry voice.

Sam:"we are finished go away leave me alone I have moved on from you".

He left going the other way as Isabella ran after her as she wondering what she wanted.

Isabella:"you not from here".

Sam:"no I'm not but maybe you could help me I'm looking for Jack".

Isabella:"Wait your brother is Jack so your Sam".

Sam:"the one and only".

Sam:"how do you know my brother".

Isabella:"I will tell you on the way boys can be boys".

Sam:"so true".

As they walk to the boys dorm she was just as surprise to hear that.

Isabella:"guys I ran into outside while on my way back".

As Jack saw Sam then he hugged her as he still had cuts and a bruise on him from the attack.

Sam:"what happened to you".

He explained about the wolf attacks and he was victim of it.

She was sorry for him but she knows he is ok and is wondering  why the beast didn't kill him.

Jack:"anyway why are you here don't you have collage anyway".

Sam:"I taken a few days off for reasons that why I'm here".

Jack:"so why are you I don't know why".

Sam:"I'm here to help with your best because whoever it was went off our friend cherry".

Jack:"what is she ok".

Sam:"he's in the hospital".

Sam:"she was attacked by some beast".

Sam:"She is alive but has not woken up".

Sam:"Then the attacks started here".

Sam:"I'm going so goodbye as she hugs Jack then she walks as she is being followed by the beast".

The beast screams at Sam as it comes for her then she fights it as she dodges it then she see a tattoo it was a heart.

As he claws her leg then the guard sees as he comes the beast runs off.

Sam:"your beast has a heart tattoo on his back".

As he helps her up
Then she walks off then the guard listened to her as she told about cherry and the heart tattoo on his back.

Sam:"left the school going to the hospital to get treated for the pain and cut in her leg".

Sam:"dials Jack's number".

Jack:"hello you just left".

Sam:"your beast clawed my leg and he has a heart tattoo on his back".

Jack:"what do you mean he clawed your leg as everyone was shocked wondering is Sam ok".

She puts the phone down as Jack explains that his sister was clawed by the beast and he has a heart tattoo on his back.

Isabella:"if we find a student with the heart tattoo we can find out who the beast is and why is calling random people".

Spookwood high season 3 (Summer here we come)Where stories live. Discover now