Spookwood high isabella's brother

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Season 3 chapter 4

In the morning everybody was a sleep in the lounge area in the boys dorm when me isabella woke up we saw everybody was a sleep when the teacher came in May and Griffin woke up immediately.

The teacher:"What is going on here?.
Then we where all stunned by her being here as Jasper had not waken up "you know the girls are not allowed after 12:00 PM in the boys dorm". We all just friend

TheTeacher:"do you not see your friend on top of each other"

We all looked then saw someone lying on top of Jasper they where a fox we had no idea who it was as the teacher walker over pushing him off then they both woke up

Mysterious person:"Who woke me up"
TheTeacher:"i did because your boyfriend didn't want to wake you up".

Isabella saw it was her brother Zack she didn't know that he was coming to this school.

Zack:"boyfriend nooooo i fell a sleep thinking it was a pillow but i see it was not he was red in the face he was embarrassed in fact i have somewhere to so yeah walking towards the stairs that leds to the rooms Jaspers went to the stairs as well then the teacher left Isabella told the others she has a brother but he's gay and our parents don't know.

Then the bell went as we all made our way to lesson jack messaged Jasper he didn't message back then Jasper ran into isabella.

Jack was in class Jasper came in late.

Jasper:"sorry i'm late will not happen again".

Then at lunchtime jasper went to the girls dorms isabella was there she was wondering why he's there.

Jasper:"can i speak to you alone

Issbella:"sure about what"

Jasper:"I'm gay".

Isabella:"i'm happy for you but why you tell this".

Jasper:"i have a crush on Zack and don't know what to do".

Isabella:"Oh hugging Jasper".

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