Spookwood high (where wolf attack)

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Season3 chapter 8

We where in class when the teacher were checking who was in class today and who was sick or just not in for other reason.

When the teacher asked if anyone evie a girl who joined last year when we joined.

Isabella:"I see if she is in her dorm room after class.

Teacher:"thanks you".

Then after clas isabella went Evie's room she locked no answer then as she tried the door it was unlocked she entered to find nothing she was not in there there where photos of her and other people she didn't know.

Then she found a piece of paper it had Isabella's name on it.

The note says:"one the wolfs is up to something shady but two wolfs you and griffin are innocent and should be trusted".

She left taking the note with her then she went to the teacher as she told her about Evie she said to go back to her room and not to go in.

Then the teacher called the police as they came she explained that someone was not in class today and not in her dorm no one came find her.

Isabella went to the boys dorm where everyone was there.

Isabella:"griffin did you ever talk to Evie".

Griffin:"no I seen her  in our classes but not spoke to her why do you ask".

Isabella:"evie room was unlocked there is a note with our names on but it's strange showing him the note".

Griffin passed it on to the others to read the note about the wolfs one they being shady.

Griffin:"why me and Isabella I haven't ever spoken to her ever".

We where all wondering as the police came in to the boys dorm they where looking Evie.

They asked isabella she said about the door being unlocked when it was her room and the key was no where to be seen.

The police left but made a note what happens as they send someone to her room he taped off her room with police tape then left.

It was silent till the next day when out of the boys dorm when someone scream we rushed out to see what it was we saw Evie's cold body she was dead but she had been attacked by a wolf.

The teacher came she told ever to back up as the police came in they taped off the body and told everyone to go back there dorms they questioned everybody we said we where sat in the dorm room.

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