Spookwood high (a hug of kindness)

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Season 3 chapter 5

Isabella:"Jasper that's great that you have a crush on him I'm happy for you and him".

Jasper looked at the time he saw that he needed to get to class Jasper:"I'll see you later bye".


He ran to his class then after class he saw Jack he explained everything then asked for his help he was surprised but happy for Jasper.

He went to Isabella for help

Isabella:"what does Zack like to do he likes to game and draw anime characters".

Jasper:"thanks Isabella" running off to the dorms to where the boys are.

It started to  lightly rain Isabella asked if we all wanted to play games in the chill out space in the boys dorms.

Everyone was feeling hungry for pizza.

Jasper:"I'll go to get it for everybody".

He went to the pizza place as he was on his way back with the cake he saw Zack he was holding flowers.

where all playing games waiting  for the pizza when Isabella was wondering where Zack was she called him he was not answering Isabella looked curious Jack was wondering why she looked curious he asked.

Isabella:"I saw Zack earlier but he said that he could not talk and  was going to see family but our family is 3 hours away".

Jasper walked up to Zack then asked why he has flowers

Zack:"I'm going to the visit an old who I have not seen in some time".

Isabella:"Jack can you call Jasper to see where he is"

Jack called Jasper to see where he is Jasper noticed his phone is going off as he took it out his pocket then answered the phone only to hear Isabella she said.

Isabella:"is Zack with you".

Jasper:"he going to see an old friend flowers in his hand also the pizza place is closed".

Isabella:"can you follow him".

Jasper followed him he went to up to a gravestone he started crying Isabella put me speaker I said

He's in front of a gravestone that is named Lilly as he saw me on the phone calling someone he walked up to me then saw Jack's name on the caller Id he said

Zack:"what do you want" he heard Isabella's voice from the phone.

Zack:"tell your friend to stop following me".

Jasper:"she was wondering where you where" he came up to me then hugged me he explained that he had a friend who passed away he misses her".

Jasper:"I'm sorry to hear that".

We made our way back to the dorms then he hugged Isabella saying he's sorry then hugged me again saying thanks.

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