Spookwood high Jack's wolf attck

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Season 3 chapter 11

As the dusty sky turned from dark to light as it was now day time Isabella had woken up from a nightmare she had just had about who attacked her and why he didn't kill her when he had the change to do so but chose to save her instead.

She got up then got ready for school she made her way to the dorms to meet up with the others as she saw where Evie was killed.

Everyone was in the dorms waiting when I had an idea of who attacked me.

Everyone saw I had a thought as I said.

Griffin:"if you wanted to kill someone you what would you do".

Griffin:"why do you ask me that".

Isabella:"it might help who killed Evie but also lead to them and who they are".

Isabella:"I will kill the person then hide the body as I remove anything that incriminate myself".

Isabella:"What if there was something In Evie's room that showed who the killer was".

Griffin:"you have a point".

Then the bell rang as we went to class as there was panic someone else had not shown up for class.

In another part of the building when someone said that they are sick and lying bed.

They called them as the teacher heard there voise but the teacher was relieved that they had became another one of the beast victims.

Class went as normal when after class Lilly,rose and May decided to study for another lesson tomorrow.

Me griffin Isabella went to the dorm room to chill out while we waiting in the doom room.

It was getting dark as Jack his phone went off as he answered it.

Jack:"hey sister long time no see walking way while talking to her on the phone.

Isabella:"I didn't know Jack had a sister".

Griffin:"he has a sister Sam but she went to collage in a different city before we came here and had not seen here since then".

Griffin phone went off as it was an unknown number he answered as it was Jack's sister.

Griffin:"hello Sam how are you calling me if your on the phone to Jack".

Sam:"what you are you talking about I called him last night to say hello then he left me a message saying it was midnight where he was".

Griffin:"he got a called and said hello like he was on the phone to you and walked off".

Griffin:"I'v got to go bye I let you know if we found him".

Griffin and Isabella went looking for Jack in meanwhile Jack finished on the phone as a
He saw a wolf came into the light.

It looked like it was out for blood as he made a run for it as it chased him he tried to fight back it clawed him he fell to the ground as he called him more then left.

Isabella and Griffin found him as Isabella ran to get the teacher.

Griffin:"Isabella I'll tell him to the medical wing" as griffin picked him up then took to the medical room.

Issbella informed the teacher about Jack as they made there way to the medical room.

Rose and Lilly phones go off they see it's griffin as they answer it.

Rose,Lilly and May:"hello what have you called us".

Griffin:"guys Jack was attacked by tue beast he is in the medical wing".

Rose,Lilly and May where shocked to learn that they said they are there way to the medical wing.

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