Spookwood high a kiss and some food

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Season 3 chapter 6

As the sun was out we were all sat in the gaming room of the boys dorms we had no idea what to do.

Griffin had gone to the shop he saw a poster for a new park that had roller coasters that had opened that was a part of that water park we went to last year.

Griffin rushed to the dorms he explained the poster Isabella saidIsabella: "we should all go".

Jack: "We should invite Robbin and Emily".

Isabella went to the dorms to talk to them they whorls be happy to come Zack asked if he could come because I have not seen it or the water park.

We got to the park it had tall rides and ones that turned upside down but most of all one that droops straight down we all amazed by them all.

Rose and Lilly went to the that go's upside down they where dizz then throw up after that the others went on it Zack didn't want to go on he does not like going upside down.

We had some more on fun on some other rides we had some food then talked for a bit Zack was trying to get to know everybody a bit better.

Zack was looking up some food to make at the dorms later on Griffin said.

Griffin: "that's a great recipe to make".

It was a recipe that he had made long time ago and he had loved it.Zack:"hey griffin would you want to make it later".

Griffin :"sure also do you want to come on the ride with me".Zack:"ok".

We made our way to the ride then as they where strapped in he realized that it was the one that went upside down it went off Griffin didn't realized that it was the one upside down.

Then it started to flung off Zack was panicking Griffin grabbed his hand then said.

Griffin: "don't worry your safe with me".

Then it came up to a drop they stopped Zack was crying a little they looked at each other.

Griffin:"I just wanted you to get over your fear of hights".

Zack:"I know".

Then he learned in kissing Griffin then saw a flash as it captured the kiss they turned red in the face Zack felt much better when it came to riding upside down he felt better we got up off the ride there where photos it was of us kissing we got a photo then folded it hiding it from the ofthers.

Zack:"we have to tell the others".


Then we made our way back to the ofthers not saying a word they asked how it went we said.

Griffin,Zack:"it went very well".

Isabella was wondering why we here acting odd she asked did something happen.

Griffin:"well me and Zack kissed each ofther".Everyone was surprised but happy they where hugs from everyone one we got made our way home.

But me and Zack went to the shop to get the supplies for our food we going to make at the dorms we made our way to the kitchen at we got back from the shop then propped our ingredients.

Then we finished it we saw it it looks amazing I said.Griffin: "it looks amazing kissing Zack".

Griffin: "I'm sorry about earlier".

Zack: "thanks for earlier it was making feel left out kissing griffin".We bake great together let me know if you want to do it again in some time.

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